You know those books that you can’t find because your child likes to read it all over the house – and so it is constantly migrating with said child.

So, today, when the child walked in from the bus, I had to ask him where the book with the school bus on the cover that talks about all the children God made.  He went right to it.

This is definitely one of our favorite books of 2018.  So thankful for New Growth press in putting it together.  It shows the truths of God’s creative world in creating human being who look so different from each other but who each have value and significance just because they are made in God’s image.

When so many of our churches are still segregated its hard to see this principle and truth played out at church.  But, I’m so thankful for our boys going to schools where sometimes they are in the minority.  And they don’t notice.  They just play.

I would hope that as our children grow, if we can bury the truth of God’s creative generosity in their hearts, they might have a chance to see the beauty of the gospel displayed in peace for ethnic diversity.

Thank you to New Growth press for the book. All thoughts are my own.  Click on this affiliate link to order directly from New Growth.  Its a perfect addition to your school, home, or church library!