This morning I was listening to a podcast with two of my favorite theologians: Russell Moore and Ligon Duncan. They were talking about how many smart people don’t know much about the Bible – even if they’ve been in church their entire lives.

Jen Wilkin talks about the same thing: improving Bible literacy among the women in our churches. I grew up in a Christian school, majored in Philosophy and Religion in college, got a Masters in Christian Education and I couldn’t tell you without looking what was going on (specifically) in the minor prophets. And I’ve led a study on the minor prophets. But, that was 15 years ago and I just didn’t retain the specifics.

Maybe you are like me and need a refresher course on Bible specifics (and generalities) or maybe you are a new believer and need the basics for the first time. Or maybe you are discipling a younger woman and want a good resource to teach with.

And, my friends at SideDoor Communications is giving a set away! Just for you. Respond to me and let me know how you would use this set!

Catherine Walker has put together two workbooks, one on the OT and one on the NT. Yes workbooks – you get to fill in the blank, answer questions, search out the answers for yourself. She designed it for high school students. And is allowing you to do the work. And that’s for me how I learn the most. In the OT the workbook goes chronologically which would be great if you are doing a read-through-the-Bible in this same way. In the NT workbook she gives a brief study of each book.

What a great resource for teachers or students for an overview of the whole Bible!

Moody Publishers sent me these workbooks and all opinions are my own.