(I was given this book by Moody Publishers in return for a review of the book. All thoughts are my own).

Don’t we all long to be better pray-ers? I know I do. But for whatever reason – doing more praying seems to be on the back burned of my spiritual to-do list. I’m too busy reading the Bible, teaching the Bible, parenting my kids, cleaning my house and playing my games on my ipad (yes, that is supposed to be a little funny).

Crickett Keeth wrote Before the Throne (an 8 week Bible study) to help us with that desire to learn to pray more. She can’t make us sit down and pray – but she can show us people in the Bible who prayed – bold prayers, persistent prayers, long prayers, short prayers, desperate prayers. These are the prayers we need to pray.

Here are some things I like about this book:

  1. Thoughtful questions – not just fill in the blank. She is seeking your heart and your head in this book.
  2. The Leader guide in the back. Helpful for anyone wanting to pick this up and teach to a small group.
  3. She goes from beginning to end selecting prayers in the Bible and introduces us to them. The Bible is our guidebook