Are you one of those people who despise the treadmill like me? Are you looking for new ways to put your coat hanger (you know, that at-home treadmill) to use? Are you wanting to improve your leg strength? Are you wanting to change up your routine? Did it snow outside this week at your house (or just is too cold) so you can’t run outside?
If any of these questions you can answer yes to, then this blog post is for you.
It snowed here 4 inches yesterday, the indoor track at the gym is about 85 degrees (can’t run in that), and I hate treadmills. This is why I love reading other peoples’ blogs!
CarrotsNCake posted a 24- minute treadmill workout on her blog yesterday, just as I was getting off my second job, so I jotted it down and it helped me plow through a treadmill workout. I lengthened it and made it my own at either end – but this is a great one:

Minutes Speed Incline
2 3.0 (warmup) 0
3 4.9 0
3 4.7 1
3 4.5 1.5
3 4.3 2
3 4.2 2.5
3 4.1 3
3 4.0 3.5
3 3.9 4.0
3 3.8 4.5
1 3.5 (cool down) 2.0

The reason this is great:
gets your heart rate up and keeps it there
kills your legs (shins, calves, quads, and hammies) – and your butt
doesn’t make 30 minutes on the treadmill boring
just over 2 miles