Greetings. I just returned from vacation. I usually don’t use this blog to talk about day to day stuff anymore, but please humor me. There is some good stuff in here (at least I think so). I used this vacation not really as a vacation – but as a hang out and see lots of people and puts tons of miles on my car and extra weight on my body time.
Here goes:
Wednesday I left early, fighting traffic in RTP (thanking God aloud that I don’t have to fight with 40 West bound am rush hour traffic everyday), and had as my destination Cleveland, TN. I made a short stop in Asheville for some Goodwill shopping (leaving with nothing) and a Wendy’s lunch break. Made it to my destination right on time, shortly after my friend arrived home from work. Tasya (a fellow cheerleader from LCS days and recently reconnected back on FB a few years ago) graciously opened her new-to-her home up to me for a few days. (Thank you Tasya). We spent Wednesday night up at Camp Cherokee by the Ocoee River at a bluegrass concert with some exceptional adults and their ministry at First Cleveland. The bluegrass was great and the Quiznos was delicious. Scenery was very pretty and I always enjoy any time to get on a lake and ride a pontoon boat. It gave me a chance to remember back to one of the first things I did after arriving at Providence back in April and that was to participate in Joy Prom – what a joy it was seeing so many smiles that night. Still, I understand how uncomfortable it is for me and how God has graced Tasya with a willing and happy spirit to work with adults with special needs. We went up to Chilhowee Falls for a scenic overlook at sunset – gorgeous. God is so gracious to us to give us the mountains at sunset in East Tennessee.
Thursday – I awoke early, yet tired. I had a busy traveling day ahead of me. I headed out to see my best friend from high school who lives in Murfreesboro (home of the Blue Raiders and a Publix) with her deputiy husband and their newborn son, Tanner. Such a cutie especially when wearing a Gator onesie. It was so good to hear that God has blessed them in the past 6 weeks with family in town helping Lisa and Matt adjust to having a newborn son. Then I headed to Brentwood to have lunch with a ministry friend. Thankful for other women in ministry that can offer wisdom and laughter and a listening ear – and know what you are talking about. We enjoyed Thai food and talked about curriculum and mission trips. She was able to offer many tips for the curriculum I am writing (I know, this is vacation right?) Then I headed to Tullahoma to briefly visit with a former co-worker at Southern. Lorrie and Stephen moved there for him to take a ministry position and shortly after moving gave birth to Elijah. Such a cutie! It was neat to see how ministry at Providence makes its way to East Tennessee. God is so faithful.
Driving over the Tennessee River, watching a great storm roll by, listening to the radio, I was just overwhelmed with loneliness and wanting to have someone to love so much. I had been around friends all day and was praying to God and reading the Bible, yet still had that deep down longing to experience life with a husband. God is my satisfaction. Soon after I heard Barlow Girls’ Enough and text my friend to pray. She is good to pray and I have a faithful God.
Had dinner in Chattanooga with 2 SEBTS friends (from different eras). It was very encouraging to hear of the work being done in Las Vegas and the desperate need for the gospel there and also the desperate need in women’s lives of the gospel in Chattanooga. That was necessary to hear that night to refocus my mind on the importance of the gospel and not my personal happiness – although I do I hope I get married so to be able to have a phenomenal married for and by the gospel. Maybe – still praying. Not worth settling and God is very good to me.
Friday – I went to Dayton to touch base with a high school teacher of mine who had such a great impact on me in 2 years of history classes that I wanted to become a teacher. And although I am not a teacher per se now, I know the result of his impact on my life has been far reaching. Thank you Mr. Morgan. Ate at a great little diner and just chilled around Cleveland the rest of the afternoon. Do you know how hard it is for me to do nothing when I am used to being so busy? Very.
Tasya and I spent Friday night taking pictures around downtown Cleveland, taking pictures of an old homestead of a friend, eating at a local Cracker-Barrel type place which was much better and cheaper. Then we got some Froyo and watched Definitely, Maybe (very good chikflic, though not many Christian morals in it), but better than most chikflics with limited Christian morals.
Saturday we conquered much in a short amount of time. We went to a mennonite farm where we got sorghum cookies, corn, tomatoes, and took pictures of sunflowers (lots of them). Drove then to a winery down the road and had a lovely conversation with the owners. Then on to an apple orchard and picked up some ginger gold apples to start the season off right! Then we went back downtown to eat at a diner and enjoyed a great falafel wrap. So yummy.
Then I headed back to NC – stopping in Asheville to have a birthday dinner with friends from SEBTS and their kids. I enjoy so much spending time with Christina and Marcus but it is never enough.
The point of this whole thing is this:
1. I love friends. Lisa has been a friend since I was in 2nd grade. Bekah is the newest friend and I’ve known her about 1.5 years. Friends are a wonderful gift from God.
2. I love food, movies, and enjoying new places. Food can be dangerous. I ate too many sweets.
3. Vacation – eh, I can sleep when I get back. Now, not every vacation is like this – but this one was tiring and good.
Thankful for a great job to come back to, a church I love, my own bed, and not hours of driving (even though I enjoy it), and the tomatoes I bought are yummy!

Next real vacation is in October to Colorado. Can’t wait.