However you feel about New Year’s Resolutions…we all have different ideas.  Some keep them, some utterly fail.  But, I have found that if I don’t have goal – life doesn’t seem to be lived intentionally.

So, these are my goals for 2011.  I think they are good, meaningful, and attainable.  I am also praying for some God-sized things this year.  What God-sized things are you praying for this year – things that when the world sees the answer: the only praise will go to God?

1.  40 Day Fast.  My friend, Lara, is doing a Daniel Fast.  I am not called to the same fast that she is, but I am supposed to change my life for the time of January 2 – for 40 days: here’s how:

* no syndicate television.  At least for 40 days.  This will not include football.  And to be honest, my Mom will record the shows I normally watch and I will watch them after 40 days, but how I can use this 40 day time period to focus on other things.  And I will be watching NFL during this time, because again, the NFL isn’t wrong and isn’t as consuming as hour long drama shows.

* no sweets at home

*only fruits and veggies when I eat at home (as means of getting clean foods into my system)

* up at 5am (this is fasting from sleep)

* computer off at 9pm (this is a fast too)

2.  Continue daily Bible reading (I haven’t decided what plan I will be using this year, but there are plenty to choose from)

3.  Blog strategically: 4 times a week at least (then special posts). 

4.  Read a book a week.

5.  Increase photog skills, ministry, and sell cards/stationary

6.  Finish my book.

7.  Lose more than I’ve gained in 2010

8.  Continue weekly Panera planning.

9.  3 races – all done in interval times (5k, 10m, half)

10.  Memorize Philippians

11.  Three yoga workouts a week: my body feels so much better whne I do this!)