“Read or get out of the ministry” was a quote a I learned when I started seminary at SEBTS 11 years ago this month. Yes, I do like to read, but I’m not a fast reader. Love actual books – not electronic reading. Love a pen in hand, book in hand, maybe a drink in hand – its a good life! I read 28 books in 2010. My goal for 2011 is 52. We’ll see. Goals are goals. They take work. Here are some of my favorites:
1. Mudhouse Sabbath: Lauren Winners. Thanks to Janel for introducing me to this book. Great Christian look at her Jewish upbringing and how she can still live the traditions and laws under the new grace of Jesus.
2. What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert. The coolest thing about this little book is that Greg, and his wife, Moriah, live out what he wrote in this helpful book. Always a winner.
3. Counsel from the Cross by Elyse Fitzpatrick. So nourishing for the soul and especially to have walked through it over breakfasts with Becca.
4. Girls Gone Wise by Mary Kassian. Biblical truths for living out God’s Word in today’s world.
5. Big Truths for Young Hearts by Bruce Ware. Especially if you are a parent, or new in your faith – ok, everyone. You need to read this book. Theology 101 – or 99 – or 50.
6. Surprised by Grace by Tullian. Meaningful commentary and life application on the book of Jonah. You’ll never read Jonah the same again.
7. Radical by David Platt. I know this will be in almost everyone’s top 10 for 2010. But, what are you going to do with what you read?
What are your reading goals for 2011? What are your favorite books? Do you have favorite authors? What are you reading right now?
Hi Kim,
I read “What is the Gospel”, “Radical”, and “Counsel From The Cross” last year. This year I hope to tackle Jim Hamilton’s “God’s Glory In Salvation Through Judgment” and some other titles that I still have not made it through that were given to us at the T4G conference. I am currently reading “The Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers” and hope to read Peter Kreeft’s “The Philosophy of Tolkien” sometime soon.
Take care and God bless!
I’ve heard good things about Hamiltons, so happy reading!
Hey Kim- I’ll have to check out the first one you mentioned. Sounds really interesting. If you haven’t settled on your list for 2011, here are a few suggestions- “Choosing Gratitude” Nancy Leigh DeMoss; “Evidence Not Seen” Darlene Diebler Rose (awesome autobiography that will greatly convict and strengthen your faith); “Teaching to Change Lives” Howard Hendricks; “When People are Big and God is Small” Ed Welch. Happy reading, my friend!
I’ve read the DeMoss book (excellent) and the welch book (one of my fave and most convicting). Thanks Betsy! looking forward to seeing you in February!
I loved Muddhouse Sabbath and Radical! Great list!
I would never have picked up MS if not for that friend, and it was def one of the best finds of the year! Can’t wait to hang out. Loved the cookies!
These books listed sound interesting. I love to read, whether book or e-read. Will have to check’em out. Thanks!