Thursdays will be a random shuffle of what is in my brain.  As I was thinking last night about what to write, this was not on the list.  It was just in my head.  I was going to jot down some observations about humility and leadership; but I am going a different route this morning.

I want to talk a few minutes about protection.  Not learning taekwondo, not using condoms, not carrying pepper spray, but protection of a different kind.

1.  Protection of the one you love.  CJ Mahaney has had a series on his blog about the pastor and personal criticism.  I have enjoyed reading his posts and the one I just read had to do about the wife of the pastor who is personally criticized.  I hope you find use in his writing as well.

2.  Protection of other people’s reputation.  Above reproach is a phrase that has been in my head recently.  Integrity.  Sometimes, doing life differently then you would to spare any one else an opportunity to consider ill of you.  I’m not talking about being fake.  I’m talking about: interactions with others that might be different in one sphere than the other; speaking well of them at all times.  I’ve often heard it said that a wife should never speak ill of her husband (don’t ask me why I’m speaking in Austen English this morning).  That is what I want.  I always want (Lord-willing) to speak the best of my husband to others.  For two reasons: it will protect his character and reputation.  2.  If I speak high things of him, then I will hopefully believe those things of him and have greatest respect and actions toward him.  One of the things I’ve learned over the last 10 years or so is that one of the things Scripture tells a wife (for her husband) is that she is to respect him (Ephesians 5).  Speaking complimentary things of him helps with this respect.  Don’t lie by any means – but why do others need an opportunity to belittle your husband.  You need to be your husbands chief cheerleaders. 

3.  Protection of your time.  I know many of you will laugh when you read this: I can’t do everything.  I can’t be everywhere.  So, I am protective of my time.  My boss has taught me that, and slowly, but surely it is sinking in.  There are definitely things I say no to: for now, most of those are group social events.  I seldom go to one.  (I am excited about one coming up though: my first Hurricanes game – Pro-hockey).  One recent time that I loved was watching the Super Bowl with friends – such a blessing and a fun 5 hours of my time.  I digress…but, when you realize you can’t do everything, you focus on things that are important to you.  I really likve investing in friendships: so I make time for one on one times together so we can get to know each other better – and we all have to eat – and I want to improve my food photography skills – so those three things are usually together.  What do you NOT do so you can do what you DO?  My friend Lara asked this question a few weeks ago and it continues to be stuck in my head.  We shall see the train of thought continue in the future.

4.  Protect your heart.  Here comes wisdom from the Preacher: Protect your heart above all else because out of it flows the VERY LIFE.  (slightly KDV – Kim Davidson version).  What a journey this has been for me over the last 12 years.  I consider the time from 95 till now the most influential, not formative, just influential in my life.  That is when I graduated high school and started making more of my own decisions, hopefully many of those based on the Truth of the Word.  I prayed a prayed about 9 years ago now that I shared with a friend over dinner last night.  It is a prayer that I pray usually at least once a month to remind myself, and also not to lose hope.  My hope is in Christ for all things.  He is my deepest need.  He is gracious to me in all things. 

What do you need to protect?  How are you allowing our Almighty Warrior to be your Protector?

“Holiness is the most beautiful, most attractive way of life for a Christian.” – Dr. Andy Davis, Pastor of First Durham.