Ok – my Mom gets “younger” and I have more things to write to her.  Here are her 63 year young things I love about my Mom:

1.  She makes a great “sue chef” – yes I know it is spelled wrong, but we always laugh bc neither one of us really ever remember how to spell it.

2.  She prays for me.  All the time.

3.  She likes to plan.

4.  She loves to play board/card games.

5.  She’s pretty good at Trivial Pursuit.

6.  She’s pretty.

7.  She doesn’t look her age (I hope I carry on both 6 and 7).

8.  She is faithful.

9.  She doesn’t like to be late anywhere she goes.

10.  She plays a mean game of Bejeweled 2 and owns all of the top scores on her own computer!

11.  She doesn’t snore.

12.  She loves to bless her children.

13.  She used to let me sit in front of her and she would brush my hair – wish I could go back to those days.

14.  She is my biggest fan – hands down.

15.  She loves Jesus.

16.  She is an adventurous eater.

17.  She’s pretty good at a crossword puzzle (gets that from her mother).

18.  She loves to share food with me at restaurants.

19.  She doesn’t care that her shoes don’t match her outfit – she’d rather be comfortable.

20.  She has gorgeous nails and I’m so glad she encouraged me long ago to stop biting mine.

21.  She has pretty handwriting even though she can’t write in a straight line!  That’s why she has me.

22.  She’s not technologically savvy – slightly frustrating at times – but I love her for it!

23.  She listens to me anytime I call.

24.  She helps Dad with the taxes.

25.  She is gracious to folks who come visit.

26.  She was a big help to my Granny before she died.  Story: early on in my Granny’s blindness, Mom would have Dad drop her off at the house (next door) and they would work the crossword together and she would help her pay bills and write/read letters to family members.

27.  She always thought of really fun counting games for the family reunion.

28.  She loves me no matter what weight I am.

29.  She is my editor.

30.  She likes the Gators.

31.  She’ll watch reruns of NCIS with me.

32.  She’s not loud in the morning!  I love Quiet morning people!

33.  She wants me to go on her dream trip with her in May: Alaskan cruise

34.  She buys John Grisham books, reads them in a day, then gives them to me!

35.  She’s a fast reader.  (I didn’t inherit that trait, unfortunately)

36.  She makes great smoked mullet dip.

37.  She always helped me with my homework, especially english and grammar.

38.  She loves kids.

39.  She is interested in my life.

40.  She is very artistic.

41.  She’ll do anything she can for me.

42.  She loves my brother and sister-in-law and the two grand-dogs.

43.  She is a gracious and giving person.

44.  She’s a fighter!

45.  She prepared the grocery lists for us when we were younger so A and I could go grocery shopping.

46.  She loves Publix as much as I do!

47.  She wants me to succeed in life.

48.  She prays for my future husband and hasn’t given up on the fact that God has one for me.

49.  She cries for me.

50.  She loves her extended family.

51.  She’s smart.

52.  She gets excited about little things.

53.  She is wise.

54.  Her taco soup is one of my Papa’s favorites.

55.  She makes a great Strawberry Pizza.

56.  She finally finished my baby blanket a few years ago.  Persistent!

57.  She is gracious to my friends when they come visit and wants to talk about them.

58.  She wants everyone to be happy around her.

59.  She makes other people a priority.

60.  She thinks I’m pretty.

61.  She puts up with me – even when I’m not pretty.

62.  She loved her Mom (who just died on March 3).

63.  She is still alive after 62 years, starting 63 today.  Story: My Mom has been sick as long as I can remember.  She should have died 28 years ago and if she had I would not be the woman I am today – because I would have lived 27 years without her.  I’m glad God has brought her this far, sustaining her, so I could have a mother this long into my life.  I can’t imagine living life without her.

Happy Birthday Mom – I love you.