1.  I am sick – God is good.  Two truths that I’m focusing on this morning.

2.  There is sleet coming from the skies in Raleigh, rumored some snow in Durham.  Crazy.  It was 82 last week.  Welcome to RDU.

3.  Both my teams lost in the Elite 8 this wknd, so no need to watch the Final Four next.  Frees me up to do other things!

4.  Duke Gardens was lovely this wknd, even though cool and overcast.  Above you will see some of my favorite shots of the day.

5.  I haven’t been sleeping well – sick, caffeine (I even tried to cut that out some days and it didn’t help) – but I know that my God gives me what I need – so I’ll take it and do the most with it.

6.  There are some godly men in my life who I am extremely thankful for – for their protection, their humility, their friendship.

7.  Wisdom and grace and mercy are needed in all relationships.

8.  Pondering suffering this week as some of friends (my age) are struggling with differing levels of cancer.

9.  Learning to trust God in all things and take every day for the day it is.

Link Love

1.  Are you a homeschooling parents?  This resource may be of assistance!

2.  Dr. Mohler responds to the question do all pastors have to be married.  What are your thoughts?

3.  Love Girls Gone Wise’s thoughts on buying a wedding dress.  What is the most important part of a wedding ceremony?

4.  I really think this just might be the next granola I make.

5.  Thank you Justin Taylor for posting an article that again draws our thoughts to the apparel of our daughters.