Wow – I’ve been in Raleigh for one year.  What a year of change, insight, growth, tears, hardships, self-evaluation, and many more things I could mention.

1.  I came here for my dream job, I still have my dream job: I’ve just learned that my dream job is harder than I ever thought it would be.  That is why I need Jesus daily more than I ever thought I would need.

2.  The gospel is not something that I say, but something I live and breath and have to incorporate into every aspect of my being because I am dead without it.

3.  Friends are crucial. Not only friends in RDU, but friends in FL, Louisville, and spread out across America. 

4.  I stink at self-discipline: sometimes.  Sometimes I’m great at it.  I’ve learned this is also because I attempt self-discipline, not self-control (which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit).

5.  I am really stinking excited about the future: both personally and ministry.  God is really up to something and I’m excited to see where the rest of 2011 is going to take me, and what I will be writing about when I celebrate my second anniversary at Providence Baptist Church.  Not for my glory – but for HIS!

Now, onto April…

Really, its not that busy of a month…I’m very excited about that – March was a doozy!

1.  I was supposed to run in the Tarheel 10 miler, but I’ve been sick for a week, so training has been non-existent, and then I don’t need to go push myself with 1000s of people for 10 miles.  That would not make for a healthy Kim.  So, I’m letting someone else run for me! 🙂

2.  I get a lot of hang out time with friends who push me in the gospel! 🙂  And those friends who bless me.

3.  Babies: I get to see new babies – I’m always excited about that!

4.  Secret Church.  Though I won’t be in B’ham like I’ve been in the past – SEBTS is hosting a simulcast and I’ll get to enjoy and be challenged by David Platt there on Good Friday.

5.  Whole Women’s Day at Providence is our semi-annual women’s event.  This year we are hosting Jennifer Kennedy Dean who I’ve only heard good things about.  If you are anywhere in the RDU area or within hours of it – register now by going to pray dot org.

6.  The Shanes are coming to town.  How I do love their music!

7.  Launch of something really cool, continued writing, and reading.  I think that will round out April for me!