I love new months!  This one is definitely going to be exciting!

1.  This weekend was fun in getting to celebrate my fiance’ who turned a year older (‘er, younger) on Friday!  We had a blast with friends and food and a little road trip!

2.  A friend and I went wedding shoe shopping yesterday: this is what we found.  I am so STOKED!

3.  This month I get to go to Louisville and hang out with friends and attend/participate in the Connecting Conference at SBTS.  Looking forward to it!

4.  Before I go to Louisville – I’ll be having a wedding invitiation addressing party with the best bridesmaids ever and having a personal shower thrown by some wonderful friends!  Much wedding stuff to do this month – then I think we can take the month of September off!

5.  Working on Q3 for the Treasuring Christ Curriculum.  Exciting theme: the Extravagant Love of God through Christ!

Link Love:

1.  Liked this article about youth and church attendence (plugged-in-ness).

2.  Are you ever anxious – about anything?

3.  I want this book when it comes out!

4.  What a great post out of Resurgence.

5.  If you are a woman: married or not – you need to rest in this post!


Have  a great August everyone!