Some conferences are not worth going to me.  Some are.  This one, the Connecting Church and Home Conference in Louisville, KY at SBTS this past weekend, was definitely worth a 8.5 hour drive.

The men who lead this conference are a blessing to me: Randy Stinson, Bill Farley, Jimmy Scroggins, Russell Moore, Steve Wright, Jay Strother, Timothy Jones.  Getting to meet Candice Watters was a blessing as was meeting and talking with Bill and Judy Farley.

Since I was there as a team member of Providence Baptist Church, I got to hang out at the Treasuring Christ Curriculum booth and talk to people about that.  Neat to see what God is doing, and will do, through that.  But, for the rest of the sessions, I tried to listen and learn with the mentality of a soon to be wife (and hopefully Mother later).  This changes how I listen to talks.  This is what I gained:

1.  My only hope of being an invaluable wife and helper to my husband and a discipling mother to our children is the GOSPEL.  I must saturate my days in the Word and spend much time there.

2.  My main job as a mother is to make disciples of my children.  I can only be faithful in the task – but I am not responsible for the outcome.  God handles all decisions of the heart and the gospel.

3.  If we (as pastor’s wives) feel we live in a fishbowl and everyone is watching us – WE ARE.  1 Timothy 3 says that we will be watched.  Live, NOT perfectly, but according to the Gospel of Christ.

4.  The way we are going to preserve – is by teaching the Gospel, walking in the Word with our children.

5.  Busyness is idolatry.  Buffer your time – don’t pack out your calendar.  Learn to say no to opportunities to serve.  I’ve lived my life with a YES mentality – and I have to change my focus.  Not saying NO to everything – but involving my husband in the decision making process, allow him to protect me (and my yes saying ability), and be particular about what you are going to say yes to.

6.  I need to increasingly see all of my life (home, writing, kids, relationship with Eric, exericse, ministry) in light of the Gospel.

7.  It is crucial that our kids see EC and I reflect Christ – imputed righteousness.

Two best talks of the wknd?

1.  Randy Stinson – mainly to men, but I loved hearing my former boss talk and always walk away encouraged.  Let me tell you – listening to his talks before didn’t always leave me encouraged, because I couldn’t find a single man around my age who lived those principles out.  God, in His grace and perfect timing, led me to Eric.  Eric found me.  I’m thankful for him and his walk with Christ.

2.  Bill Farley – applying each part of the gospel to parenting.  Good stuff.

The main sessions aren’t up yet (audio), but keep checking back on and they will be – I promise!