This is a bigger thank you!  These are the people that we included to be a part of our wedding.  They are very special to us!  This is a thank you publically to them – so you can rejoice in God’s goodness to us as well!

Leah Finn: Girl – you amaze me!  Who would have thought that 7 years ago when we met we’d be such a great friends and watch UGA/UF games together in peace, and that we’d attend the same church together.  You were such a constant joy and celebratory person through everything – even when you said No, I don’t think it would work!  Your joy was contagious and your conversations invaluable!  I wouldn’t have had any other person as my MOH!

Rachael Woodworth: Thank you so much for keeping me grounded in the Gospel during the whole courtship, engagement and wedding day (and for being our first overnight guest tomorrow night at the 842)!  Your friendship and constancy of the years have been a true blessing to me.  Thank you for being such a fun and stylish and unique friend to me!

Brian Croft: You mean the world to my husband.  I thank you for welcoming me so generously into yall’s family.  I look forward to getting to know you and Cara and your kids better.  So thankful yall could be a part of our wedding.  I value your pastoral and wise imput into my husband’s life.  Thank you for your hope in the Gospel and for working our Rehearsal Dinner for us!  A true blessing.  Louisville and Cara are truly blessed!

Craig Johnson: Who would have thought that when I met you at North End that you’d play my bridal march that you arranged?  What a character.  Thank you for adding spunk and grace to our wedding day!  You have been a true friend to my husband and so thankful that we will be able to enjoy friendship as couples over the years.  Thank you for using your gifts of guitar playing and wit on the day of our wedding!

Nick Roark: Nick – you truly bless me with your Gospel centered approach to life.  Thank you for all your help on the work front in writing the Curriculum and for sharing with the congregation and us that day that special passage of Ephesians 5. 

Landis Barnes: You have been such a delight to me since I’ve come to FBCD and I know my husband truly respects in you all in things.  Most people want to know who read 1 Cor 13 at your wedding – does he do it professionally?  Thank you for living out that passage every day of your life!  You give hope for memorizing Scripture!   I need to do that for Colossians 3.  It would help Eric if I did!

Michelle Gaynor: Who would have thought that 11 years ago that now we would both be married to worship pastors in Durham?  I have loved our friendship over the past decade and loved having you sing in our wedding.  There wasn’t anyone I would rather.  Your simplicity and trust in the Gospel and in God’s goodness always comes through when you sing.  Chris is one blessed man!

Ben Salmon: Brother, friend: you are a joy.  Brittany is an amazingly blessed woman!  Thank you for singing and leading the congregation in worship for our wedding.  Thank you for being friends with us and so excited we will have more Beyu moments together with our respective spouses!  How fun!

Shirley:  Thank you for playing for the intro and the conclusion.  Most all the comments I’ve heard from the prelude has been stellar and how worshipful it was. 

Dr. Holley: Thank you for using your gifts for our wedding. The cello was amazing and created the right mood we wanted!

Erica: You have been a true blessing to me since March.  Can’t believe my life has been without you before then.  Your conversations and laughter have made this transition so easy!  Thank you for sharing your spectacular violin and art gifts with Eric and I.  You are a God-send to me!

Folks at FBCD: Bekah, the Bowens – thank you!  Everyone else – thank you!  So many people to thank and I would never get them all!  The wedding and the reception and the rehearsal was just what we wanted.  

Crystal: Thank you for helping me know where to stand and where to walk and getting things to the right people!  You helped keep me calm!

Wendy: Thank you for taking random pictures and for just making me laugh that day.  I loved having you around!

EHamsho: Thank you for your giftedness at the piano (you sell yourself short) and for leading the worship during our wedding.  Thank you for your friendship and for sharing your family with me as well. 

Andy (and Christi): Thank you.  I couldn’t have asked for a more personal or relevant and Gospel-Centered sermon than what you gave.  Thank you for directing it both to us and marriages in the congregation!  Thank you for the hours you spent with EC and I in counseling and for your knowledge and application of the Word!

Steve/Tina:  Thank you for bringing me back to RDU.  Thank you for your example and your hope in the Gospel.  Thank you for the prayer time during the wedding.  Yall are a priceless gift to me – and therefore to Eric.  Thank you for being a proponent of marriage!

Chuck/Bill/Bryan: Thank you guys for who you are to us.  Thank you for the wisdom you have shared with both EC and I over the last years.  They are wonderful to us and we will treasure it and our friendship with yall for years to come.  Thank you for praying over us that day!

Kasey: Thank you dear friend for helping me look good that day and chasing me around with that makeup bag and the wonderful conversations and friendship we have shared over the last ten years.  I look forward to more!

Maggie: Thank you for the provision of food to all of our friends and family that day!

Terah: Thank you for your bold, Word-centered prayer over me before the wedding began.  You live too far away, girl!

Kathleen: My hair looked fabulous thanks to you!  What a joy your were to me that day – making my life easy!  Thanks for being a part of it.

Paul and Ali: Thank you for raising such a godly son.  I love him dearly and am so thankful I get to spend the rest of my life loving him.  May God help me grow in that.  Thank yall for the rehearsal dinner and your joy in welcoming me to your family!  I look forward to the years to come!

A/T: thank yall for coming.  I couldn’t imagine my wedding without yall.  Glad you got to experience Bull City while you were here!

Sarah and Kristie, Laura (and Chase) and Liz: thank you all for your help in decorating and keeping me sane and making sure everything looked pretty and steaming my dress and letting me borrow clothes and for opening doors/passing out programs and for making me laugh.  All a joy – and so are all of you!

Laura and Chris: thank you for driving from Charleston to open door and pass out programs.  I wouldn’t have wanted my wedding without yall.  I see a trip to Charleston in our future!  Laura – such a joy you are to me!

Mom and Dad: Thank you for raising me for this day.  Thank you for paying for this wedding and being there for us!  Florida hopefully won’t seem so far away!

Wow – did I forget anyone?  I have a feeling I did.