Here it is – our one month anniversary and I’m just not getting around to posting this!  Thanks for being patient ( I told some folks it was coming, it was coming)!  Let me give props to my husband – he planned this whole trip.  That is initiative and it was a wonderful blessing to us both. 

We stayed in Durham for two days before we left on a 12-day road trip.  Those two days were spectacular, so glad that it was close to home and a place that is very dear to both of us.  My husband did a wonderful job picking out the location!

Next we were on our way to DC.  Yes, our nation’s top city.  We both love DC and had not been there together, so we did some sight-seeing (disclaimer: we had watched National Treasure with the Finnlings on July 4 since it rained and we were laughing about one day seeing some of the places).  We got to eat great food at the Taste of DC event.  My husband knows that I am a foodie and he planned well for this trip.  Then we hit bucket list item #2: see something at the Kennedy Center.  Maybe the best one moment of our trip for me was walking into the Kennedy Center, dressed up, husband holding my hand, looking at the grandeur of that building.  We saw Les Miserables in the Opera House.  Even though I wasn’t feeling well – it was spectacular.  The lead character is a believer so that made his role so much more commanding.  It was stellar. 

Finishing up in DC – we went to Old Alexandria and Georgetown – for some quiet moments in the word, some good breakfast, and a cupcake (gotta have a cupcake)!  TLC was filming at Georgetown Cupcake so that was fun to watch. 

NYC (New York Bigger) was our next stop.  Again, one of the cities that both of us and we had not been able to share together.  It was a great memory.  Our second dress up event was to see the NY Philharmonic at the Lincoln Center.  I had never even seen the building and it was beautiful – especially at night with the signage, the fountain, the skyline, and the chandeliers.  My husband is very good to me.  His friend is as well.  I sent a text to a friend of ours and she used her “strings” to get us into the Green Room and we got different seats for the second half.  They were playing Mozart and Debussy that night.  They were amazing to listen to (both from the second tier and from the M row in the orchestra seating).

We then stayed next door (our window view) to Gillette stadium in Foxboro.  One of the funnest and low-key meals we shared was Olive Garden in our room.  The restaurant was completely packed for a Friday night and it was raining so we didn’t want to wait.  So, we brought it back to our room.  One of the good things about sharing a hotel room!  We drove into Boston the following day and got our exercise by enjoying the Freedom Trail.  Neither of us had done that before either even though both of us had been to Boston.  Great way to see the city, get exercise, and learn about history.  So pretty – and both of us enjoyed taking pictures (as my husband has married a stop everywhere to take pictures person).  We got mouth-watering crab cakes as well for a late lunch.  Filling and fresh.

Our last stop before our “half-way” point was Bangor, Maine.  Eric had been to Maine before but I hadn’t.  Both of us loved the gorgeous views and the virtual emptiness of the state.  It is beautiful and very peaceful and quiet.  Would love to return there.  We just stopped in there for a break of traveling and then hopped in the car for our “”furtherst north point” of the honeymoon. 

Stay tuned…