My new normal: no internet at home and no cable at home: more time to read!  So excited about this. (Really, I’m not just saying this).  I’ve only watched one.25 football games this season.  so, I don’t watch television, I have laundry to do and time to wait for cookies to bake and sauces to simmer.  I read while EC is getting ready for bed.  I read in the mornings.  I read in the car (when I’m waiting, not driving). I don’t have kids so I can read more.  I read because it helps me think more, write better (don’t laugh) and it stirs my brain and heart.  I like to read.  So, let me make a suggestion.  Pick one of these and read it!  Let me know what you think. 

1.  Bonhoeffer.  On Kindle.  This is dragging for me primarily because of all the German history right now – but know it will get better.  Can’t wait to see how God uses it in my life!

2.  The Story Girl.  On Kindle.  LMM.  Just a fun story – nothing deep.  Just fun.  And its FREE on Kindle right now!

3.  Anne of Avonlea.  Borrowed.  LMM.  Love the movie – now to dig into the classic.

4.  From Blushing Bride to Wedded Wife.  Marla Taviano.  Be praying for her and her husband as they have recently had medical problems in their family.  This book is out of print, but I was given an extra one by Marla to have a giveaway with – so stay tuned.  When I’m done – I’ll be offering one to a lucky reader!

5.  Walking in the Spirit.  Berding.  Such a great book on Romans 8.  Very readable.  I’m going to start reading through this one (again) with a friend.

6.  Lit!  Tony Reinke.  On reading.  Helpful.

7.  What Did You Expect.  Tripp.  Great marriage book.  Basically on how to keep short accounts and offer forgiveness.  Love it.

8.  This Momentary Marriage.  Piper.  A serious look at marriage and how it mirrors the gospel.  True to Piper style!

9.  Treasuring God in Our Traditions.  N. Piper.  Especially now as I have a family, I want to think through these thoughts that Piper offers more.

10.  Love That Lasts.  Gary and Betsy Ricucci.  Going through it together with EC.  Very good read to read aloud on a date night and ask questions.  Has prompted many good discussions and times together.

11.  God on Sex.  Danny Akin.  We sat with them at a wedding over the summer.  He blessed us with this book.  It is good – great on the power of communication.

12.  Note to Self.  Joe Thorn.  A little book on preaching the gospel to  yourself.

13.  The Hidden Art of Homemaking.  Schaeffer.  On the running of a home and how to make it an art form

14.  A Young Woman’s Guide.  John Angell James.  Sermons preached for women.  (If you have a kindle, this is only 99 cents right now – I recommend it)

15.  Prayers of An Excellent Wife. Andrew Case.  For EC.

So – in chronological snobbery style: I have two 1800s books (or early 1900s), some 80s, 90s, and even some 2011.  So, I have a broad spectrum. 

Keep watching for quotes from these and other books.