I know, I know, links only come on Monday, right?  Wrong.  Not when I’m so far behind.  So I’m doing a special Much and Link Love on Thursday – and yes, there will be one on Monday next week!

1.  My husband did a great job planning my birthday yesterday.  Birthdays are always important to me – to celebrate the life you have been given by a gracious God – and to celebrate others.  He took the day off and had a great day all planned for us.  There is no better way I would want to spend ANY day then to be with my husband.

2.  And today…its a blah day.  I don’t know why.  Maybe be the cold, the weight, the 35 sinking in, hormones.  But, I got up, had a great QT with the hubs, healthy breakfast.

3.  I hate it when you have money to spend and can’t find any way to spend it.  I’ve been looking for a purse, flats, or a jacket to buy with some birthday money and can’t seem to find anything that fits the bill.

4.  What free kindle books are you loading?  I’m looking for some.

5.  We saw Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol yesterday.  So good.  I don’t think there was a single cussword in it (maybe one) and no sex in it or make out scenes (just two dresses that didn’t fit the modest bill).  Just action.  It was great!  It had to be the most intense movie I have seen.  My poor husband’s hand.

6.  We also rented UnKnown with Liam Neeson.  Still not very much language and definitely one that keeps you interested to the very end and one you don’t even know if you understood it all by the time it got done.

7.  I can either…stay the way I am, or change.  Only I can make that call.


In what ways can you go green in 2012 and help your family to eat healthy?

Do you make any food resolutions?  I am: make one new meal a week (a new recipe).  Disclaimer: not if I am gone on vacation for the whole week.

How do you deal with failures

E and I are a part of a small group that is starting this book in two weeks.  And I can’t wait to hear them live on this subject in June at The Gospel Coalition!

My friend David (a pastor, scholar, husband, and father) gives you pointers on how to get the most out of your Bible reading

I just started a study on the psalms.  My friend, Liz, writes a great post on the first psalm.

My friend Nick, helper with Treasuring Christ, and now on staff at CapBap in DC offered his top books of 2011.  I just ordered the one on writing.  Desperately need to improve that this year!

Its National Oatmeal month – here are some good recipes for you to try.  I think we’ll do steel cut tomorrow at the campbell house