Its the first day of a new month, so these are the books I hope to complete this month.  We’ll see how the book reviews are this month to see what I finish:

Boyhood and Beyond – Bob Schulz

My former boss recommended this book for me to read as I continue to pray for baby Campbell and as we raise him to fear God and be a man.  I look forward to jumping into it!

Parenting by God’s Promises – Joel Beeke

Picked this one up while in Louisville for T4G at SBTS’s Lifeway.  Looks like a helpful read for us as new parents.

Help! I’m a Minister’s Wife – Tina Wright

A sweet friend, mentor, and minister’s wife herself (and new Florida resident) wrote this book a while ago.  This has already been such a blessing to me as a I read it and think through how she has lived this out and how I can live its principles out too in my marriage.

A Faith That Endures Brian Croft

My pastor just finished preaching through Hebrews 11 and reading Brian’s thoughts on it are proving a helpful reminder.  Also, getting to know his family and him (as he is one of my hub’s best friends) is a laugh!

Loving the Way Jesus Loves – Philip Ryken

Yes, I’m still working on this.  It is a quite difficult read just because its convicting!

Treasuring God in Our Traditions – Noel Piper

This book has been helpful in thinking through what I want our family to be like and how we incorporate the gospel in our daily lives as a family.

A Woman’s Wisdom – Lydia Brownback

This is my book for Crossway this month.  Very excited about this as the hubs and I have been reading, meditating, and attempting to memorize James (some say the NT book of Proverbs) this year.  I always need to know how to apply God’s Word in my life!