Baby..come on!

We have a  name (it will be a surprise – just let me tell you I LOVE this name and am so excited)!

Our crib has been ordered.

Almost done with registering at Amazon, Buy Buy Baby, and Target.

Done with birth classes.

I haven’t thrown up in 10 days (praise the Lord). 

I have gained too much weight but I’m trying not to stress about that.

I’m reading books.

Husband is reading books.

It is already HOT (most days).

Little pregnancy annoyances: dry lips, aching back, clothes are tighter, can’t wear my wedding band (although thankfully my engagement ring still fits), headaches constantly.

Joys: no recent stomach issues, feeling baby boy kick all the time, praying through Boyhood and Beyond for baby, knowing my husband is going to be an amazing father to this little one.

Almost 24 weeks – count down is on!

Thanks to my friend Moments Under the Sun Photography for this wonderful picture capturing my baby and my love for him!