This year has definitely been one of writing many thank you notes!  From the wedding showers to the baby showers and all the gifts, birthdays, and traveling in between, we are definitely keeping the USPS in business!

Lindsay, over at Passionate Homemaking, one of the best blogs I read for Christian women, wrote today:

How often do I take a moment to write a thank you note to one who has blessed me recently? This practice is such a edifying habit to get into. Why should we write thank-you notes? It is to acknowledge our appreciation for the love of others! It tells others we are blessed by their fellowship, the way they served us or others, their giftings, etc. It encourages them to continue in the calling that God has placed on their lives. It is so easy to become discouraged and overwhelmed, this is true especially for those who are in places of authority in your life (church, parents, leadership). They need a little note now and then just letting them know you are praying for them or that you are blessed by their service.

My desk is now in our living room with all of my stationery and pens.  I do love writing notes and sending packages!  It blesses me to get them and I hope in turn it blesses others when they receive something in the mail other than a bill. 

If you think about it Paul the Apostle wrote in letters.  He would send the letters with others.  There was not postal service back then.  The letters were cherished.  He didn’t use email or twitter to get the Word of God to the churches.  He loves those churches.  He wanted his letters (breathed by God the Father through the Holy Spirit) to be read, kept, and obeyed. 

In  a similar vein, I have every note or card that my husband has given to me – and have all of our texts.  I enjoy looking back at those and to see the journey that God has taken us on over the last 18 months or so.

If you need some great writing notes, I sell my photos as notecards.  You can choose from any of my FB photos or ask me for a particular set or photo card.  Wanna set up a photo session with your family then you can turn that into your Christmas cards – let me know.  You can find some of them already posted at

Whatever you use to write a note…just WRITE!