Our little boy had his first day in church yesterday.  If you are a long time reader of this blog, you know I’ve had several discussions about kids in worship, etc.  I’ve battled with it in my head after having Eli, but I know this to be good for us.

Eric leads the worship – musical part. We stay in there.  Little e loves sounds just like his daddy and yesterday he was asleep through it.  I got to be in there as well!

Then shortly after the preaching started, he was stirring then I knew he needed changing, so i took him to the nursing moms room.  What a great blessing that is at BCLR.  There is a flat screen so we can watch the service, there is water and snacks and other moms in there as well so we can have fellowship if we are in there for an extended period of time.

We had Lord’s Supper yesterday and little E and I got back in there just in time for that.  What a blessing it was.

I think “man, I’d love to just sit with my husband and worship” – but little e is a part of our family as well.  He needs to see us worship, hear us worship, and learn how to worship too!