One of my favorite types of books is sermons-made-into-books.  I can’t be in every church on Sundays or every chapel service (in this case) in every good education location in the country.  I don’t have to take notes to hectically when they make the sermons into books – just take a pen and do some underlining.

Phil Ryken is one of my favorite thinkers and writers right now – gospel-based writing and life-application that can be put to use by almost anyone.

He charged these sermons to his students at Wheaton College where he serves as President.  What better place to pray a series of sermons on grace than a college, right?  Well, I found a new place: mommy-hood!

I never knew the demands of being a wife and mom could make you crave grace as much as it does.  And in this world of social media – we live under scrutiny of so many others, if we allow ourselves.  Do you eat organic?  Do you have a weekly date night?  Do your kids sleep through the night at 2 weeks old?  Have you gotten back in your skinny jeans yet?  Is your house like the latest style blog or lifestyle blog out there?  The list continues into every realm of life.

I need grace.  I loved these sermons by Ryken to remind me of the fact that I can do nothing without the grace of Christ!  In his first chapter, he says that we must come to a humble conclusion that we absolutely NEED grace.  We can’t do it all.  Grace is all-sufficient though.

Grace is also sanctifying – but we will never be perfect in this life.  We daily are being sanctified (Romans 8) but are daily in need of more sanctification.  Grace does that.

Where do you need grace?  This book might apply to whatever need you have – and supply it with the Truth that God offers you grace!  And it far exceeds our performance!