I love all the implications for daily living that this book, and studying and knowing the names of Jesus, has in store for its readers.  I hope you too are enjoying and learning and growing as you are pressing through this book!

Chapter 2 on Jesus being the True Prophet is no different.  How has knowing and understanding Jesus better as the True Prophet changed your life this week?  What did you underline or star or highlight or write notes about that will make a difference in how you live as a woman of God?

Here are some implications that I am working on in my own life from the truths that I read in chapter 2:

1.  Boldness in our witness.  If there is one spiritual discipline that I’m weak in (I promise you there are others), then witnessing it the biggest lack.  And I don’t usually put myself in situations where I would need to present the gospel.  “We will be endued with a sense of confidence, a God-emboldened confidence, and the kind of confidence that will allow us to be courageous in the face of all the challenges of our day.” (p 50)  I think this one paragraph has to do with more than just witnessing.  I think we all need to be ready to stand for Truth – in a world that is so full of half-truths and philosophies that go against what the Bible teaches.  The Bible indeed has to be our standard, because it is the very words and breath of God.

2.  Teach the Word.  You may not have any in-front ministry with ladies in your life, but I’m sure you are teaching someone.  You may be teaching your children at home.  You may be witnessing (sharing life) with those in your workplace or neighborhood.  You may be on a college campus and every word you say in class for discussion or at parties or in your dorm room will speak volumes about Christ and who He is to you.  “So the present prophetic ministry of Christ never introduces bizarre or strange or new and fanciful notions.  No, it is found in the opening up of the Word.” (pg 47)  This is so important today.  Many Christians are believing and practicing what goes against the truth of the Word of God.  If Jesus preached its truth, shouldn’t we live it and preach it as well?

3.  Compassion in our relationships.  I remember taking a spiritual gift inventory during my first semester or so at seminary.  I scored a negative in the mercy department.  A sweet friend and I had about the same score.  But, over the past almost 15 years of knowing her, we have seen each other grow in grace in that department.  We as believing women need and must be grounded in the Word.  But, we also need to be like our True Prophet, and have compassion on those we are around.  “Some of us are good at boldness but not so good at compassion.  We gravitate to all the bold verses but turn away from the gospel’s call to show genuine empathy.” (p 51)  I think genuine empathy and compassion is hard for people who tend to be more holiness/legalism mindset.  But, that should really be the opposite.  If we strive to be holy, then we should all the more know that we aren’t, and have compassion on those who aren’t holy and struggle with the same sins we struggle with.  Empathy and compassion doesn’t mean letting people live in their sins.  We need to call people to live to Christ – in honor of the glory and wonder of the cross..  But, we need to show great compassion, as our True Prophet did, to those who we are ministering to.

What did you learn this week?