
No more need to go to Starbucks! 🙂

You can make this very easily with items you already have on hand and enjoy this lovely drink (iced or hot) – all year long.  I tried it first yesterday and it was 98 degrees here in Little Rock, so – I had it both hot and cold!

I found a recipe online that was adapted from many other recipes, so I adapted it myself, and even would make changes to what I did this first time. (The following recipe indicates changes).  I’ve shared the Pumpkin Syrup and have also enjoyed this recipe iced or hot and frothy!  Another great use for our Ninja – which we love!


Recipe: (serves 2-4 adults, depending on the size of your mugs)


2 cups whole milk

4 Stash Chai Tea bags

1 T vanilla bean paste

3 T pumpkin syrup (recipe below)

Fresh grated cinnamon and nutmeg to taste

1 T sugar


Heat milk, sugar, syrup and tea bags on stove until not quite boiling (over medium heat so you don’t scorch your milk) – because who wants burnt milk?

Take off heat and add in vanilla bean paste and spices.  Then remove the tea bags.

Pour into a blender of some sort and turn it on until frothy!

Pour in mug or over ice in a glass and enjoy!  I didn’t have any whipped cream or I would have added it – but I did sprinkle some spices on top!



1 1/2 cups water

1 1/2 cups sugar

4 cinnamon sticks and whole cloves

nutmeg and ginger to taste

3 T pumpkin puree


Heat sugar and water until sugar is dissolved, add in flavorings and puree. Heat until almost boiling for about 5 minutes.  Take off heat and let sit 10-15 minutes.  Pour through a mesh sieve and then store in container in fridge.  Use as much as you want!