
Each October bloggers go on this quest to find a great topic to write about for 31 days straight. Last year I wrote about everything being new – because, well, everything was. I had a new baby and was moving into a new apt in a new state.

This year, I’m weeks away from having our second little boy and about the only thing I have energy to do while Little Buddy is napping is to read.  So, I thought I would do 31 posts on quotes that I’ve read – and what I think about them. This will keep me reading and keep me writing – and hopefully introduce you to new-to-you books/authors.

“One must have faith that no one hurt can be so painful that God is not able to comfort the hurting one.” – Gloria Furman, Glimpses of Grace, pg 131 (Crossway Books)

Hormones or not, this has been an emotional and sometimes painful season for me. Sometimes I have turned to food, sometimes I have turned to my husband or son. Others times I have turned to blog reading for comfort. Whichever of those I choose – they still let me down and don’t ultimately comfort me. Who does when all else fails?


“This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.” – Psalm 119.50

And for those interested, I’ll also be contributing to 31 Days of Proverbs over at the OSP blog
