5k with sarah

I think this might be the number 1 resolution of most of the world.  Somehow, in someway – choose to do something that impacts your health.  Where most of the world fails is in determination and accountability and in attainability.

Going on a reality show and working out 9 hours a day for 3 months is not reality.  Starving yourself is not reality.  Giving up a certain product for the rest of your life (for most people, not those with health reasons) is not reality.  So how will you choose to better your physical health this year?

Here are my goals for 2014:

1.  By 2015: I want to be 40 lbs lighter.  That is a number agreed upon by my husband and me – and no one else.  He is the one I want to please with how I look, so that is why I wanted his feedback.  He is also a great accountability partner and likes to walk and eat healthy too!  Thanks Love.

2.  Now to break that down into attainable goals.  The first one: lose 17 lbs by the first weekend in April which is my first 10k race in a few years!  I’m very excited.  That is a little over a pound a week which is SO doable and set at a great pace!  That will also get me back to pre-pregnancy weight!!!!!

3.  I want do to more 30 day challenges.  Right now, I’m doing the LBD challenge with some friends on FB.  It is fun and challenging and quick and changes up my routine from what I always do!

4.  I am about to sign up for my first 10k in April and then have plans and hopes to do one in October – a half!  I love half marathons.  A challenge and not too much (like a marathon).

5.  I want to hike Pinnacle Mountain here in Little Rock to get me ready to do Blood Mountain at Vogel in September.  Mister will be glad to do both with me.

6.  Mister and I have talked and made plans.  We plan to walk during his lunch break with the boys 2 days a week, walk or be active on Fri and Sat which are his days off, and then allow me to go early on 2 days a week to run or be active by myself!  He is so my biggest fan!

Love accountability and determination!  And my smaller sized jeans and tops and dresses!  What motivation!

What are your challenges this year?

(The above picture was taken at the Anthem 5k in Louisville in 2010 – 4 years ago.  My friend Sarah was a huge help in my running beginnings.  It was cold but we finished and finished well.)