Destination Fall : Link Love

We are quickly coming to the end of summer – I mean soon Labor Day will be here then you will start to see ads for Christmas.  Crazy.  Fall is definitely my favorite season of the year, so I wanted to share some of my favorites I’ve found this week to celebrate the upcoming season!

The Nester’s house is always cozy but I love her glimpse into switching seasons.

Since I could eat tacos all the time – these will be perfect for cheap and Fall

And this time of year at markets or grocers there is an abundance of zucchini – why not make several of these loaves and freeze them – then you can pull one out on the chili mornings that are to come, toast it, and slather it with butter, and drink with a beverage of your choice!

The Fall is a great time for our family because there are two birthdays that we celebrate – and we have to have an amazing cake!

These blondies have almost everything I love about fall in one pan…I’m glad that I should have reasons to bake them!

What are your favorite things about Fall?  And how are you celebrating the end of summer?