Sundays are for Baking

I missed last’s week’s Sundays in the South installment.  For the first time in over a month my mister had a Sunday afternoon off – so we enjoyed that time together.  I usually don’t get on the computer when he is home – because I want to be about doing life with him, not blogging.  So, what I need to get better at is writing blogs and posting them to be live on those days that he is off – that way I would still be posting regularly.

The Fall is always a time of celebration for our family and this time we are including a family vacation and the boys and I are taking a trip to Little Rock.  With celebrations comes food.

And today, Sundays in the South is brought to you by a new food for me: I just finished reading my latest edition of Southern Living, and I saw a Dutch Baby (which is an oven pancakes).  I have everything – so I am going to head on into the kitchen to make it.  We will see how it turns out!