Pink Ombre Cupcakes

I’ve actually made a full menu this week and I’m trying not to eat out as much (especially with the boys).  I’ve also done some things prior to menu planning in order to help us save money.

1.  Start with my freezer.  Since it is my smallest place for food, I don’t like to let it get too crowded (maybe in a few more years I’ll have room for a deep freezer).  Then I plugged in some ingredients into Pinterest and came up with a few meals.

2.  I made a shelf in my pantry for all the items I will need this week.  That will help to ensure I have everything I need and also help in time management.  It is much easier to look on one shelf than 5 shelves, especially with two toddlers wanting to help.

English Muffin Pizzas (Little Chef recipe coming soon)

Chili (freezer meal) and spoon bread

Vietnamese Chicken Salad.  Good thing about this salad is the one thing I needed to buy was some of the produce.  I love having a diversely-stocked pantry and spice cabinet

Fusili pasta with veggie sauce

Oreo Brownies with homemade chocolate sauce and homemade caramel sauce and whipped cream (for a grill out with friends)

Broccoli Chicken Potato bake

TJ Orange Chicken with rice and sugar snap peas

Berry muffin pancakes

Orange Currant muffins

What are you making this week?