Barn Again Design

Are you humming a certain song right now?

Here are some of my favorite things right now.

1.  Scripture.  Last week I had some good me time to sit in some cool places in Chattanooga and eat good food, take pretty pictures and read the Word.  God so shows up in His Word.  And having Scripture around my house always helps too because it helps me focus on it even if I can’t sit down and have a 2 hours quiet time every day.

2.  My Husband.  We’ve been married almost 4 years.  Good times, trying times.  I love sitting down on the couch with him.  Sometimes we just watch the West Wing or Chef’s Table.  Sometimes we eat an antipasti platter or have a bowl of ice cream.  Sometime we just talk about life and marriage and boys and foot rubs.  Sometimes we read a Tripp parenting book or watch a Tripp marriage video (I totally suggest his material for either parenting or marriage).

3.  Pretty things.  A friend brought me this blooming plant when she came for lunch a few weeks back.  Still pretty.  This print from Kristin Schmucker never leaves my side board in my dining room.  And I just received this tray from Barn Again Design after entering a contest from my friend Lara’s 40th birthday giveaway.  It came today in the mail and even though the post man rang the doorbell during nap time, he delivered a beautiful hand-crafted tray with reused barn wood.  It hasn’t been sanded down to perfection.  There are knots in the wood.  It is definitely self-distressed.  But, isn’t life sorta not-perfect.  And that’s how I like to live life in front of people.  Just for clarity: my hutch is never this cleaned off unless I’m taking pictures.  My husband would probably prefer I take pictures every day then.

4.  Books.  One of the things I love doing right now for blogging is book reviews.  We can’t afford books right now – they just aren’t in our tight budget, so I love getting them from publishers and reading them then putting them on here to introduce you to the goodness that is in books.

5.  Cookbooks.  My favorite is The Forest Feast book.  I could make everything in there.  Two salads are coming up this week as I try to restart my healthy eating after a trip to Chattanooga.

What are your favorite things and how do they help you get through a Monday?