Housemade Tarter Sauce

Today, as I sit in our home in the middle of the state of Georgia, I am sorely missing the Atlantic Ocean.  Ok, I really miss any body of water.  Water is very therapeutic for me – listening to the waves, the water at it knocks against itself, the glare of the sun off the stillness of the top of the water, walking along a beach while my feet get wet, then sandy, then wet again.  Being on any body of water is the best place I can be at any given moment.  Today, I will take you back and share some memories with you and a fabulous new recipe we had yesterday.

My love for the water started before I could walk.  We lived in central Florida and had a pool.  My brother was a little older than me and was taking swim lessons.  My parents thought I should go ahead and learn – so I did.  I loved swimming and jumping off the diving board.

My love for the Suwanee River came from my Papa.  I remember learning how to drive a boat about the age of 7.  It was just me and Papa and the sparkling water of North Florida.  A john boat brought some sweet memories.  He taught me to fish, to not be afraid of gators (ha!), and how to cook homemade french fries.  He also taught me how to clean fish – which we would eat immediately after catching them.

Papa and SRC

I remember quiet summer evenings at our trailer near Munden Creek (near the sleepy fishing community of Suwanee, FL).  Mosquitos and radios and country tapes that included Kenny Rogers, Alabama, George Straight, and Barbara Mandrell.  We would play rummy because we had no television.  We would walk down to the little pond with worms and cane poles.

I moved to a beach town for college and quickly knew that I was born to live by the beach.  You’d never be able to tell because I’m as white as they come, but everyday my junior and senior year I would walk down the beach in the morning and the evening.  Some college friends and I would get a group together and have some worship jam sessions at night by the water.

My mister and I in our courting days took a few trips to the waterside of Carolina.  The first time we held hands it was sprinkling and we were walking along the beach.  Romantic yes.

On our honeymoon we woke up in Prince Edward Island overlooking the bright shiny water.

I love bridges, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, creeks, oceans, and the gulf.

One thing that goes well with water: seafood.  And with seafood you need good dipping sauce and good friends to share it with.

Sailfish Alley Outfitters

Yesterday, I made a tarter sauce that I could easily eat with a spoon.  Yes, the entire bowl, no seafood necessary.  Thought I would share it with yall.  But, first, let me introduce you to a company in South Florida run by a young friend of mine.  His family is so important to me and I value their friendship.  Tyler started Sailfish Alley Outfitters and runs a quality fishing gear.  We all know you need fishing gear and here is the place to get some of the best.  And you might as well look good while doing it.  With custom tees and hats and more, this is your place to find it.  And while you are catching fish, looking great while doing it, building relationships while you are fishing, you can be dreaming of the tarter sauce that you’ll have back in your fridge for your catch of the day.

Sailfish Alley Outfitters

Housemade Tarter Sauce
Recipe Type: Dip
Cuisine: Seafood
Author: kcreatives
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 1/2 cup
A great partner to seafood is a tarter sauce. Never buy bottled again!
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp country dijon mustard
  • 2 T chopped green onions (only the green part)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 splashes worcestershire sauce
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 6 bread and butter pickle slices, chopped
  • a few dashes Datil pepper hot sauce (optional)
  1. Mix it all together. Enjoy.