The prompt for today’s Blogtember Challenge is what am I passionate about?  Its a funny thing – passion.  Goodness, 20 years ago I would have been passionate about college football.  Yes, I still love college football and my Gators – but I’m not quite as passionate about it as I once was.  I hope the older I get, God will tweak my passions to be about things he is passionate about.

What matters most


First thing is the Gospel.

 The gospel is the fact that I am a sinner, yet Jesus, in his perfection, came and died for me on the cross.  I love living that out to people (though I fail miserably at it at times), I love singing passionately and expressively about it, I love reading about it, I love applying it to my marriage and my parenting.  The last job before I got married was designing and writing Treasuring Christ Curriculum and that was such a wonderful experience writing every day about the gospel.  That endeavor helps me even today.

Second, is food.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Not just food – like I love bacon.  But, food – that God created it for us to enjoy, that it is gorgeous and can fuel our bodies in a healthy way, and that we can enjoy it with others, or by ourselves (like taking a spoon and a carton of Talenti’s gelato and watching a few episodes of NCIS).  My favorite phrase is “Everything important happens around the table.”

Third is community.


Community is not being friends, – though that is important.  It is more about doing life with each other.  And in my experience community is hard to come by, but once you have it – it is here to stay no matter how many miles.  I live life with some of my friends via text and emails and social media.  Community is found deepest with my mister and my little misters.  I could travel the world with them and be completely content.

The way these passions work out in my every day is: writing, cooking and feeding my family, photography, and being involved in people’s lives both close by and those far away.  The gospel hopefully permeates all of that.