Danny @ Southern

We are only a few weeks out from the official start of Fall, but I think the PSL craze has made Fall come a bit earlier every year.  Fall is definitely my favorite season – and always has been (with Spring coming in a somewhat distant second).  I grew up in Florida so we really didn’t have seasons, but when I moved to North Carolina to start seminary in the winter – I knew Fall has to be pretty and not so cold.

Why is Fall my favorite season?

  1.  Football. No, it definitely isn’t the most important reason, but its probably been the longest running reason why I love fall so much!
  2. Start of school.  No, i’m not in school anymore, but I always loved getting the school supply list then going to buy them.  I could buy school supplies every trip to Target and never get tired of them.
  3. Cooler Weather.  I love a medium temperature.  I’m not one for sweltering heat, but I would love it if everyday was 60-85 with blue skies and a thunderstorm.  That’s what I’d like to live in.
  4. Fall leaves.  Call me crazy, but when I think about the turning of leaves, I think of the beauty of death.  As a believer, I know that all creation is groaning to be restored to its Maker.  And we can’t have life without first having death.  That’s why fall and winter have to come before spring.  But, I love the sound of walking through leaves.  I’m glad though I never had to rake them in Florida though.
  5. My anniversary.  My mister and I got married in the fall.  It was a perfect blue clear sky day one which I will always remember.
  6. My boys birthdays.  The next two most important days in my life are the days I gave birth to our sons.  Ones birthday is in September and ones is in October.  Both Fall blessings.  I can’t wait to celebrate them every year with pumpkin pictures!

What’s your favorite season?