Travel Bucket List

My mister and I love to do everything together, but really here are the top two:

  1.  Do nothing.  That’s what he said early on in our marriage when someone asked him what he liked to do with me.  He said “we like to do nothing.”  That speaks of the busyness of our lives and how when we do get a chance to be together, we like to do nothing.  Sitting on the couch is our fave way to spend the evening.
  2. Travel.  We started traveling when we we were dating: the NC coast, Williamsburg.  Our honeymoon was a two week road trip up the East Coast visiting all the major cities and then the turn around spot was the number one thing on my bucket list: PEI.  I am a huge Anne fan, so that was a must.  And he fulfilled it.  It was awesome.

So, here are ten places that I still want to go with my mister sometime in our lives.  I figure if we do one every anniversary (not going to happen), we can knock it out in ten years, then move on to the rest of the world.

  1.  Spend a week in Paris with him.  He’s been to Paris, but it was with a missionary buddy of his – not his wife.  So, I need to go with him this time.
  2. Visit, photograph, and or climb every USA lighthouse.  I love the coast and I love lighthouses.  So, I figure why not.
  3. Hike Acadia.  He has been to Acadia National Park with a family member, but I want to go with him.
  4. One of this that I want to make happen is a rafting trip through the Canyon with the boys.
  5. Take a mediterranean cruise. See Greece and Italy.  Eat the food – experience the culture
  6. Take him back to Alaska.  I went on a cruise with my parents shortly before my Mister and I were engaged, but talking to him via phone was not the same as him experiencing what I think is the prettiest part of America.
  7. Napa.  I want to eat at Big Sur and travel the pacific highway and take my camera through the vineyards.
  8. Go to the Keys. My brother goes all the time, but even though I grew up in Florida, I’ve never been.  We did drive to the southern most tip of US 1 together (and the northenmost tip), but we turned around.
  9. Spend a few days hiking the AT.  Camping, roughing it, etc.
  10. See the castles of St. Petersburg.  Russia that is.  I’ve been to Moscow and I’d love to see it again, but I’d rather see some place new.

There you have it – now everyone knows what to get me for gifts (airline miles) and we need to be independently wealthy.