Pink Flowers

I’m hearing many great things from yall – how you are enjoying these random posts.  So thankful for BraveLoveBlog for putting it together – opening up community, helping us all get to know each other a little better.

So, here we go – these lists are fun and let’s you peak into my world a bit:

Reading… Deuteronomy and The Mark of a Man by E Elliot (for praying for my mister) 
Playing… “talls” with my little misters (mega blocks) and my new Canon 6D – gotta learn the new toy
Watching… NCIS Season 11 and 12 (to get ready for premiere).  Gotta catch my mister up.  And West Wing.
Trying… to get photo shoots lined up for the fall
Cooking… pumpkin muffins for a new member class tomorrow at church
Eating… Tonight will be a grapefruit and avocado salad (but I just split some nuggets and fries with my boys).
Drinking… Water and diet coke
Calling… I don’t like to talk on the phone, but I did just chat with a sweet NC friend who asked me to letter her wedding vows for her upcoming 2nd anniversary.  
Texting… with Bekah about using Heart Hope Justice to help her raise funds to buy a home to house women trying to leave abusive situations.
Pinning… Oh, I’m trying to revamp and relabel my Pinterest page.  Head on over there and give me some ideas of what you would like to see.
Tweeting… last night I was tweeting with my bestie about Friday nights, popcorn, and headshots
Going… to Publix this afternoon…again..they truly do make shopping a pleasure when I have littles.
Loving… lettering hymns – it helps me meditate on them in the morning
Hating… whining littles and my husband’s long hours and road trips (he doesn’t have them very much, but I’d rather have him at home than away)
Discovering… that I have an amazing husband who cleans up dead roaches and takes out the trash immediately after coming in the door from being gone for three days
Thinking… about all the places that I would love to travel to including NYC for Christmas next year – I can dream right?
Feeling…very weary
Hoping (for)… my mister to be able to get off work for a few days around new years so we can hit Jekyll with the boys..
Listening (to)… Come Weary Saints by Sov Grace
Celebrating… my older little mister’s three year birthday one week from today – a minion party at the park we love so much
Smelling… Pumpkin baking in my kitchen
Ordering… More diapers.  Potty training was going to start this week but I think I will postpone just a bit
Thanking… My bestie for listening to me much this week in all of my mommy-mess
Considering… how to make income with all my creative juices flowing
Starting… to love the early mornings – when most days I go to my nearest McDs to have some quiet time and drink some diet coke, especially now that it is getting hoodie weather.
Finishing…maybe cleaning off my desk – I stop and start, stop and start.  I know it would be a blessing to my mister!