On a post about food, and it is my son’s birthday, and I’m not cooking anything. Nope. We are going out for donuts, then going to a fun lunch, picking up his Publix birthday cake, then going to a friends for small group. I’m getting off easy.
But, sitting around a table is more than just food. Yes, I love to cook. One of the ways I learned to cook was from my mom being disabled and unable to much of my growing up. So, she would tell me what to do and I would cook it. Or I learned it from watching my Granny and Papa or learning how to scale fish and cook a mean french fry at the Suwannee River with weeks away with my Papa.
But, I learned to love to cook for others when I got to know a family in college. I got to be a part of their celebratory meals and their every day meals. Knowing recipes that family members loved. Knowing what would please the ones they loved. Sitting down at a table in their home and talking for house over good food and good wine. Or just good old sweet tea.
The meal is more than just food. It is life for the soul of many.
Quote from The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer.
I never learned from anyone how to cook. And since I am a picky eater, I’m afraid my family did not have very good balanced nutritious meals. I have zero confidence in cooking and when I try I fail a lot. So I fux the same things. But my family has loved whatever I fixed now and then because, I guess, it isn’t always about the meal. I have asked others many times to come over and help me learn but it hasn’t happened yet—for several reasons. And I am okay with that. I do enjoy cooking meals for holidays (because they turn out well). I am grateful that God has blessed me with other talents.