I’ve read a lot of fiction this year.  And mostly, I’m a non-fiction/biography person.  But this year has taken up a lot of mind space and heart space, so when the heart work is heavy, I want to get lost in a good story.  And if you choose the right fiction, you can still do heart work while reading an engaging story.

One of the genres I’ve been enjoying is Christian Amish Fiction.  And the latest one was Seeds of Hope.  I really enjoyed this.  Going back and forth from English world to Amish world, Barbara Cameron weaves a good story with yes, a predictable end, but there are twists and turns along the way that you wouldn’t expect.

One of the things I love about Amish fiction is entering into a world that I don’t know much about it – but is still real.  Dystopian books are very popular, but it is hard for me to get into those because they are so far from what is real now.  Amish living actually is right now, just not where I live.  So, it is interesting.  Not ideal where everything always works out, but just a bit of change from my norm, city-life.

Thanks to Litfuse for this title.  All opinions are my own.