Meal times at our house aren’t where I want them – but nor are they are bad as they once were.


I remember when our older was little, we’d spend every night sweeping up the crumbs on the floor thinking this season would last forever.  Then we had a second little boy.  So, the season stretched on.

But, then you know what, they learn how to eat.  Now, we seldom have to sweep the floor, though my husband is gracious and sweeps our eating area!

Now, we don’t have to deal with messes all the time, but instead we are teaching our boys how to have conversation at the table, no burping at the table, not to try to be silly and make the other one laugh at the table, how to sit and wait for everyone to finish or not start until every one sits down, not to bring toys to the table.

Instead, we want our table to be a life-giving spot. A spot to talk, enjoy good food, talk about our days, share life together.  We’ll get there.  Its not where I want it to be – but we can take steps every meal to get there, right?

Do you have any tips on how to make meal times

better with young school age kids?

Tommy Nelson sent me this book about dinosaurs and dinner.  Yes, I thought it was a perfect book for our family because sometimes we have dinosaurs at the dinner table with us.  In this book the author talks about shopping for food, the health benefits of certain foods, eating foods you may not like, setting the table, eating everything and not burping, and enjoying the food.

So, if your kids love dinosaurs and you want a book about how to eat at the dinner table – then this book is for you.  You can win a copy of this book for yourself.  Just tell me

What is your child’s favorite meal? 

What meal will they gobble up and ask for seconds and want every meal?