Growing Kids with Character

Growing Kids with Character

Ad.  Book from Litfuse Publicity Group for honest review.

Most people right now are thrilled with personality tests. It started out with simple ones, and has moved to complex ones.  My favorite is the Enneagram.  I’m a three with a 4 wing.  What are you?

Hettie Brittz, in her book Growing Kids with Character, delves into parenting and shepherding your children based on their personality types.  This is a simple way of talking about her book.

I didn’t think it would be that.  But, it is what it is. I checked out her personality types and didn’t really see my boys on the grid, so honestly, I didn’t read the rest.  But, I read the first two chapters and loved her thoughts about God being a present gardener who attends to his children.  And how we can attend to our children, especially in their formative years.

Maybe you know someone who would benefit from reading this book.  I think every parenting book is a good place to start, to read, to be encouraged from.  Even if it is just one sentence!

A Very Happy Easter Prayer


Easter is right around the corner . We’ll be starting out vacation the day of Easter, so we’ll be doing things a bit different this year.  But…the reason is still the same for our celebration!

Jesus is Alive!

And a book to celebrate that is A Very Happy Easter Prayer.  It is a cute board book for toddlers from Bonnie Jenson and Tommy Nelson Mommies.

And while I like it and its cute illustrations that might be a good practice for me and watercolor…  And it talks about the incarnation.  And the resurrection.  It doesn’t talk about the death of Jesus at all.  And isn’t that the reason that we had an empty tomb in the first place.

We don’t need to shy away from the death of Christ. Our boys know “Jesus died on the cross for my sins.  Jesus is alive!”  Of course they don’t fully understand it, but they still know it.

I hope you guys, in whatever books you read during this spring season, can share with your kids the truth about Jesus’ death and the empty tomb!

The Turquise Table

The Turquise Table


We have a picnic table.  When we moved into our home here in East Georgia, my in-laws purchased it for us, my husband stained it while our boys were running around him.  Its not painted turquoise.  And its in the backyard.

Now, before you hate, hear me out.

Hospitality is part of my heart.  Not just having people over to eat good food, but more to get to know their hearts, shower them with grace, and help them to feel welcome and loved.

I’ve always had a heart for hospitality because that is what I was shown from others while growing up and in college.  Whether we had a feast or just nuts and water sitting on a barstool in the kitchen…hospitality was a sense of belonging.

So, when I went through a period of my adult life when I felt like I didn’t belong at all, I craved to be able to show hospitality to others, to give to others what I was missing.  And it has stuck with.  And I’m glad.

Kristin Schell, who wrote the Turquoise Table, is a blogger and a cook, and a wife and a mom, and a Texan.  This book reads like her blog posts, with cute pictures, good recipes, and winsome conversation style writing.  She tells the story of how the Turquoise Table phenomenon came to be and the relationships that have been formed over the table in her own yard.

If you are looking for a pretty book with a good message, and an easy read, then pick this up.  The hospitality conversation has so many facets to it. This is just one.  And don’t feel bad if you don’t have a Turquoise Table. Don’t feel bad if you don’t have a front yard (she tells of some stories in the book of how people have taken the idea and made it to fit their lifestyle).  Don’t feel bad if you never sit out in your front yard.

One of my greatest desires is to sit down to meaningful conversation with good food.  And I can do this on our back deck, at a coffee shop, or at our newly chalk-painted table.

Kristin’s heart is hospitality.  Show welcomeness to everyone – no matter where you do it.  And if you need a cute Turquoise Table, go get one!


Define Success For You

Define Success For You

I’m a fan of podcasts.  I have subscribed to probably 30-40 podcasts, then glance through them each week to see which ones I’d like to listen to.  Sometimes I don’t get to them that week, but then they are on my phone waiting for me to have some time to listen to.

I typically listen to podcasts in my car while I’m running errands (by myself, its no use listening to them when I have the boys in the car) or at the gym if I don’t bring a book with.

My podcasts are usually in two categories: business or creativity and faith.  If I am having a business day (my two mornings each week when my younger goes to preschool), or if I’m heading to a creative meet-up, then I listen to business-minded podcasts.  If it is really any other time, I’m listening to faith based ones, either on teaching the Bible, being a mom, practicing hospitality, or book reading.

Tonight, I want to share some thoughts from one of my favorite podcast hosts, Sarah Bragg, over on Surviving Sarah. Kristy Dickerson was her guest a few weeks ago and I finally got the chance to listen to it.

One thing she said stuck with me and I’d like to talk about that a bit: “Define success for you.”

Success as defined in the dictionary means: to turn out well, to attain a desired object or end.  That is such a blank canvas.  We can succeed or fail at anything by that definition.  Yet, in the creative industry or the “momprenuer” world, I think most people have certain standards that, if they meet those standards, it will mean they have succeeded.

So, how do we know if we have succeeded?  There has to be something attainable.  Here are some thoughts:

  1.  Define what success would look like for you.  And don’t do this alone.  Maybe you have a brainstorming session over coffee with just yourself.  Then, you can take that list or those doodles and share them with your husband or maybe a creative business partner.  Or share them with a friend.  Now, you don’t have to take everything they say and throw out your list, but wisdom is gaining understanding from wise counselors.  So, share your ideas, really listen to what a few others would say about those ideas, and revamp your list if necessary.  Only if you know what success will look like for you will you ever really know if you succeed.
  2. Understand your season.  One thing I learned early on from one of Sarah’s podcasts is that you are always in a season.  But seasons change.  And everyone is in a season – and everyone’s season will last for a different length of time.  You may be in a season of sickness, or having to work when you don’t want to work, or shuffling kids to baseball practice or ballet.  Maybe you will have to look at each of your seasons and define what success will look like in that particular season.  It always changes.  Right now for example, these three weeks, we are preparing to rent our house for the Masters.  So, I have less time to blog, read, and create because I’m getting our home ready, clean, organized, decluttered, and packing for vacation.  But, its a short season.  Summer will be another season because both of my boys will be home full time so there will be less time to do stuff for me.  But, definitely more time to spend on the deck, with friends, and at the pool.
  3. Don’t compare.  I’ve been in and out of a funk of comparison.  People say I need to charge more for my art…but I don’t think I should because I don’t think its as great as other art I see.  Some people say I should write more, but I think there are so many books at there, who would necessarily want to read what I have to say.  I’ve got to remember, for me, success isn’t necessarily numbers and likes and followers on instagram, but forming and building relationships with those who do follow me.

I hope these few thoughts will encourage you to look at success in a new way.  And, definitely go check out Sarah’s podcasts, especially if you are a mom or mom-prenuer


Link Love Sunday

Link Love Sunday

Its a rainy Sunday afternoon here in East Georgia.  Perfect for laying in bed while the boys nap.  Reading.  Preparing to teach a Bible study on Tuesday.  Thinking about a charcuterie board and writing session my mister and I will have tonight.

Here are some things that I’m loving right now:

Trader Joes Dark Chocolate Mint Creams (I finished the contained before starting keto this weekend)

This coffee table (I’m saving up) And stay tuned for some more from Cathy and Rob.

Classes at my gym (specifically body pump and spin)

IG videos on how to watercolor – cheaper than any class I could take

My local library: I can pick out a ton of books then bring them home to see if I want to read them.  Much cheaper that way.

White Collar.  I’m starting my third round of the series.  Love it.

Broadchurch.  We are on season 3.

Bull.  If you think Michael Weatherly is fabulous in NCIS, he is even better (and the writing is amazing) in this show on CBS.