Blog Mission Statement

Blog Mission Statement

Blogging Vision


For 9 years I’ve been blogging.  So, this year I think it is time to regroup and rethink and re:purpose.  While in seminary I took a class on mission and vision and purpose statements.  So, I thought I would share my “mission” statement in blog format today for yall.  Having a blogging mission statement helps you limit what you blog about – and limit is a good thing.  The blogosphere is full of all types of blogs – and you could spend your time trying to blog about everything.  That wouldn’t work.

First – so much has changed in these 9 years.

I was still in my 20s when I started blogging.

I had just finished seminary and was working odd jobs just so I could hang out and love on college girls at UNC (mostly), some State and Duke students mixed in.   Some of these girls are some of my dearest friends now.  I started two blogs: a devotional one and a cooking one.

I then moved home to my parents house in Florida to pay off debt.

Then I moved to Louisville, KY to work for the then president of one of my favorite religious organizations.  I love everything they stand for and love their ministry.

Then I got my dream ministry job of writing curriculum for a church in Raleigh, so I moved back to my favorite state in the country.

Then I met my husband, got married, had a sweet little boy, moved to Little Rock, AR, had another sweet boy, and that brings us to today: the ATL metro area.

Here’s what you will find at this blog site.

Food: I love to cook.  I love to savor food and wine and times with friends and family.  I am a foodie at heart and love to share that heart with others.

Photography: I love to capture sweet moments – both in the lives of our family and for other people.  A smile, the shade of light blue of my littles eyes or the perfect colors of a sunset.  Or what about maternity shoots or faces or portraits, or families.  Anything – capturing life’s moments.

Family: I love family ministry. Helping families be the family that God created them to be.  That was my heart and passion at Providence when I was writing curriculum.  Being a family in today’s world is so difficult – but with a lot of help and grace we can do it!

Faith: Everything I do, with God’s help, is looked at through the lens of faith.  I’m thankful for God’s grace in my life.  And I like to share that with others.  Whether that is through books I read, devotionals I write, links I circle back to.

Maybe you’ll find some other topics every now and then, but mostly that’s what this blog is about.  Enjoy reading.

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Menu this weekthe

Bring on October.  These last two weeks of September through October are my favorite of the year.

The weather in ATL has been kind of rainy – but definitely cooler.  Thanks to the gym my jeans and other clothes are fitting better.  And I’m getting to wear lightweight scarves.  Both of my boys were born within 4 weeks of each other (different years of course) and my mister and I celebrate our anniversary in between their birthdays.  It is full and packed with love and fun celebrations and highlights of the year for sure.

This week here is what’s going down in the kitchen.  Right now it is a total mess because we’ve had my parents here as a vacation follow-up so we’ve done more and I’ve not felt like cooking. Hello Monday.  Time to declutter.

Trader Joe’s Chicken and sweet pepper sausages – mashed potatoes – mixed vegetables

Jiffy corn waffles

Egg noodles with Trader Joe’s Pesto Gouda and some sweet grape tomatoes (trying to flash back to summer real quick)

Spaghetti and Meatballs

Taking these to our Brinner Fellowship Meal at our church on Sunday night.

Brinner for one night featuring some hawaiian rolls

And you know the normal sandwiches, quesadillas, and chicken nuggets during the day to feed some hungry and growing boys.

What’s cooking in your Fall kitchen this week?

Glory & Grace: Psalm 1

Glory & Grace: Psalm 1

Glory and Grace Psalm 1

I have been so encouraged lately from my pastor, from blogs, from fellow IGers, and from sweet friends – that being in the Word daily is a NEEDED discipline (or grace).  I thought I would post some of my readings here, throw it back to when I first started this blog (9 years ago) and set some Bible readings in place.  I hope they are an encouragement to you – and I know they will be to me.

Psalm 1:2-3, 6 – The Message

Instead you thrill to God’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night.
You’re a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month,
Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom.

God charts the road you take.” 


Even in seasons when we don’t feel like we are getting anything done, or that what we are doing doesn’t matter, or that we are just sitting waiting for something great to happen or a set goal to take place – if we are in the Word, obeying the Word, loving and walking with Christ, than His faithful word says that we will always be in blossom.

And isn’t it grand to know that when we don’t know the way, when our way seems dark and dreary, when our days seem unknowing – God, the God who made everything, the God who sees everything, and the God who has been the only one who has ever been alone in all of eternity, He is the one who charts our course.

So be it.

Spiced Apple Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Spiced Apple Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Apple Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Fall equals apples to me.  And I had a reason to make a cake today: because I had a bag full of apples.  And I had a spice cake mix so all I had to do was run to my neighborhood Publix and get some cream cheese.  Because we all need some good creamy rich cream cheese frosting every now and then right?

Fall Baking

This is simple and moist and definitely a winner.  Enjoy tonight!

Spiced Apple Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
Recipe Type: Cake
Cuisine: Dessert
Author: kd316
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 12
Moist, perfect fall cake with a thick layer of cream cheese frosting
  • 1 boxed spice cake mix
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 3 cups chopped, peeled gala apples
  • 1 8oz package of cream cheese
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 4 1/2 T unsalted butter
  1. Mix cake according to box instructions.
  2. Add in apples before baking.
  3. Spray pan and cook according to box instructions.
  4. Let cool.
  5. Mix cream cheese and butter.
  6. Add in vanilla
  7. Add powdered sugar until frosting is smooth.
  8. Frost cake.
  9. Eat.
  10. I cut circles out of the cake and just set a double layer and made naked cakes with just layers of cream cheese frosting. Sprinkled some cinnamon on top.



This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Charming South Kitchen goes to Vogel

This week is vacation week mostly – for our little family (and my parents, otherwise known as Mimi and Pops).  We are heading about 90 minutes north of us and retreating to a place we went to while we were growing up (yes, my Mister went too though we didn’t know each other).  It will be great to go as a new family!

So, while I won’t be cooking in the Charming South Kitchen, we will still be cooking because the cabins have full kitchens.

Mom is bringing taco soup

I’m making this cake to celebrate both of the boys’ birthdays with Mimi and Pops.

We are grilling out burgers (repeat of yesterday)

Making this totally sweet breakfast bake

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Pancakes for brinner.

Hawaiian Bread Ham and Cheese sandwiches for dinner along with some greens.

Chicken salad on croissants

And then when we get back we will probably enjoy some corn waffles and leftovers and eating out with my mom to finish out the month.

I will be making some fall cupcakes for a church luncheon we are going to on Saturday.

Easy cabin food!  Can’t wait.