Motherhood is Not Just About Dying to Self

Motherhood is Not Just About Dying to Self

Motherhood & Dying to Self

Motherhood, a joy, a calling, and a privilege – is also TOUGH!  And I’m in the midst of it.  New area (with relatively new friends), two under two – both boys, and a husband who works long hours – but is such a trooper at home and to take my many frustrated phone calls and texts and pray and encourage me throughout the day.

My boys are the most cutest (superlatives, I know) boys in the whole world.  Their blond hair, big blue eyes, super long eyelashes – and their laughs, and smiles, and hugs, and giggles.  Doesn’t that make all the disciplining, nights where there are 3 feedings, and saying no 100 times a day, worth it?  Hmmm – of course, but it doesn’t make those days easier.

I was enjoying some hours of quiet courtesy of sleeping boys and a gracious husband and I wrote these next words.  When I went to read it to my Mister I was hesitant too – not because I thought he would laugh at me, but because I don’t live this out – and he, more than anyone, knows it.  But, it is the cry of my heart.  And I need the Gospel every day and pushed harder and harder in on my life and my parenting  – to look more like Christ in front of these littles that I call Lijah Bean and Bubba.  I hope the next words are encouraging to you. Pray for the Moms you know.  It’s a tough job.

The point of motherhood is not death to self.

If it was, we could be justified in our mopey days, our impatient attitudes, our temper tantrums.  We could justify our need to be everywhere and do everything so we could earn the title of Super Mom.

It’s not about finding your life in your children.  If so, we could warrant involving our children in everything so they could be good at what we weren’t.  If so, we could boast in our children’s smiles, vocabulary, batting average, or report card.

It’s not about finding your life in all the things you multitask in – or the things you don’t.  We could brag about our recipes, our photographs, or our pre-baby jeans.  We could post pictures of our well-designed Anthro house that never looks like children live there.

It’s not about never doing anything you want to.  We don’t have to live a slain and mopey woe-is-me life.

Instead, something I need to be daily pray for myself is that I would boast in the Gospel and die to sin so that I might life in and for and through Christ.  On the days when I burn dinner, or feed my children all chocolate and junk food  – I need Jesus.  The days our son bites other kids in the gym child care – Jesus still died for me and loves me.  On the day when I feel fat and don’t want to work out, but longingly look at the woman three treadmills away – desiring to look like her – Jesus still wants my heart.

I’ve read so many posts about you just have to die to self as a Mommy.  In a way that is true – but not in its morbid-sounding worldly outlook.  You can still ask for time for yourself – to feed your soul, to grab a cup of coffee, to grocery shop without toddlers eating the bananas before you pay for them, to take a walk, to exercise – to do things that refresh you – even if it is just to take a bath or have a date with your husband.  These aren’t bad things.

If Motherhood isn’t just about dying to self – it must have a better end.  We don’t die to self just for the sake of dying to self.  We die to self and sin and flesh to live to Christ.  Paul, in his letters, constantly wrote about not being the man he was but constantly fighting that battle and waging war with his flesh, but pressing on in Christ.

Motherhood – living to Christ – looks like:

Admitting when you are failing at motherhood and seeking help from other moms who have been there and done that.  Not trying to put on an act like you have it all together and your kids are the poster children for all church kids.

Admitting when you need some “time off”.  My Mister knows that some time off during the week does me a world of good.  Writing, reading, praying, journaling, doing errands by myself, drinking unsweet tea, eating a macaron – whatever it is – as the saying goes “If momma ain’t happy”.  He knows that me being refreshed is good for the whole family!

Crying out to God instead of yelling at your children.  Even though I hate raised voices and I hate being yelled at myself – I find myself raising my voice at my boys – as if that’s going to do any good.  I need instead to breath, pause, pray, and then speak in a manner to my boys that will glorify God.

Read the Bible in light of Motherhood.  How does the Bible address teaching your children, being anxious or prideful in your spirit?  The Bible has the final word on everything you could be struggling with.

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.  By his wounds you have been healed – 1 Peter 2.24 (This verse was suggested by my Mister for this blog – and so fitting.  If we try to do motherhood, or dying to ourselves, in our own strength – that is sin and it is futile.  We will fail.  It we seek the Gospel and the strength of Him who died for our weak, selfish selves – than He has promised He will ever be close to us in every moment of every tempter tantrum and birthday party and first date and bicycle riding lesson.

Motherhood in light of the Gospel – is still the toughest job, the best job, the most demanding job – and only with the strength of Christ will we survive.

Easy Lunches: Chicken, Bacon & Avocado Wrap

Easy Lunches: Chicken, Bacon & Avocado Wrap

Chicken Bacon Avocado Wrap

When I was growing up, August and September meant two things: going back to school and scuppernong grapes.

My grandparents, Granny and Papa, who lived across the pasture from us, had grape vines.  I loved going over there and picking the grapes once Papa told us they were in.  When I was smaller, he would climb the ladder and I would hold the bowl or brown paper sack to put them in.  But, as I got older and taller, I would take the sack up the ladder with me and drop them in.  I loved them so much I would break out around my mouth – somehow allergic to them, but only in large doses.

Those days are long gone, but I still love scuppernongs.  I remember buying them in the store for the first time.  I couldn’t imagine paying 5$ for grapes that I used to get for free.  But, the smell brought back so many memories, that the 5$ didn’t matter anymore.

I just got some at the Dekalb Farmers Market (along with the greens used on this wrap) and these grapes still make me break out if I have too many, and my older son doesn’t care much for them – but I still love them, and fondly remember my Papa.

To begin a new series here on the blog: I want to create some easy lunches that you can have too.  Currently in our home, my lunch is usually leftovers of what my boys don’t eat, or a taco from Taco Bell, or CFA salad with nuggets.  Sometimes it may be leftovers.  I don’t usually prepare gourmet foods just for myself.  I’d rather go out all the time – but the budget doesn’t allow for that.

This wrap was healthy, under 3 minutes to put together, and delicious.

Chicken, Bacon & Avocado Wrap
Recipe Type: Sandwich
Cuisine: Lunch
Author: The Charming South Kitchen
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
Bacon Chicken and Avocado for an easy lunch win
  • 1 whole wheat tortilla
  • 1/2 cup shredded chicken
  • 2 T shredded colby jack cheese
  • 1 strip cooked bacon
  • mayonnaise and honey mustard
  • greens
  • avocado
  1. Put tortilla down on microwave safe plate
  2. Fill with chicken, cheese, bacon – heat for 45 seconds
  3. Then top with greens, avocado, and condiments.
  4. Wrap and eat!


Roasted Mexican Street Corn & Chicken Frittata

Roasted Mexican Street Corn & Chicken Frittata

Corn and Chicken Frittata

I wish every week we could go on a honeymoon.  My husband and I love to travel and I can’t wait to show our boys the world (as much as our budget will allow).  Early on in our courtship, my husband and I knew we had a mutual love of food and roads.  So, naturally when we got married, he was a master at planning our “secret” honeymoon.  I could never have planned a better trip.

Corn on the Cob

After a brief stay at our favorite place in Durham we ventured up to Washington DC for a few days as the first leg on a two week road trip.  He had bought us tickets to the Taste of DC – a huge foodie tasting tour in front of the Capital Building.  Even though I was sick, I still enjoyed it – in spirit at least.

Oh and a brief, unpaid plug.  My husband loves Duke’s.  Yes, the mayonnaise.  I’d tried it once before and I stuck to my regular brand, but now have tried it again – and it really has made me fall in love with mayonnaise again.

Roasted Mexican Street Corn & Chicken Frittata
Recipe Type: Frittata
Cuisine: Eggs
Author: The Charming South Kitchen
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 6
Corn chicken and eggs with a kick
  • 2 ears of corn
  • 2 T mayonnaise (I use Duke’s)
  • cayenne pepper to taste
  • chili powder to taste
  • 2 c shredded chicken
  • 1/2 cup sauteed onion
  • 7 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cup half and half
  • 1 1/2 cup mont jack cheese, shredded
  1. Preheat the oven to 450. On two pieces of foil, squirt equal amounts of mayonnaise, lay the shucked corn on top, roll around, and sprinkle cayenne and chili powder.
  2. Close up the foil.
  3. Bake for about 25 minutes.
  4. Remove and cool.
  5. Cut the corn off the cob.
  6. Lower temperature to 350.
  7. Spray a deep dish 9 inch pie plate with Pam.
  8. Mix the eggs, half and half, and cheese (and more seasonings if you want).
  9. Mix the corn, chicken, onion
  10. Combine the two and pour into pan.
  11. Bake for about an hour or until set.
  12. Let cool and enjoy!

One of the favorite things I tasted was Mexican Street Corn: mayo, cheese, cayenne, corn – what’s not to love?  So, I wanted to recreate the corn and turn it in to a frittata.  It turned out great!  Here you go.  If you like corn casserole and quiche – you will love this.  Its like a cross between a spicy corn casserole and a quiche.  And if you have little ones eating it, just lay off the cayenne.

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Eggs and Corningware

Yes, Fall has officially begun because we are now passed Labor Day!  Do you still wear white?  Just curious!?

Well, I’m definitely cranking out some warmer meals this week. The only thing that has been different about the Atlanta weather for the past week is we’ve had a lot more rain. I love the big storm clouds.  I don’t love the fact that the storms seems to come during my boys’ nap time.  They aren’t fans of constant thunder!  Oh, well, I will train them right!

Pot Roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions

Beef Tips over Basmati

Chili (from a friend through a freezer meal exchange that I will be sharing) and cornbread

Fish tacos and cole slaw

Homemade Cheeseburger Helper – will share with you my adapted recipe

Baked Potato Bar

Baked Ravioli and Homemade French Bread

And i’m baking some soft batch cookies with fall candies.  Can’t wait to show you finished product!  And share them with a mom who is about to have another baby!

What are you cooking this week?

Sundays in the South : Link Love

Sundays in the South : Link Love

Southern States Link Love

Since I’ve lived all around the South my entire life, I thought I would share with you just a few of my favorite places in each of the states I’ve lived in.  This will definitely give you the travel bug – and I hope you can live it out to the fullest!  Enjoy the Around-the-South tour and dream on this Sunday – that God would enable you to see more of the world He created!

Florida: The Sunshine State

Hontoon Island was a relatively new find for me.  Traveled there last year.  Your littles will love the little ferry ride over to the island.  There are also good hiking and biking trails – but most of these trails aren’t conducive to strollers.  Moss abounds!

If you are looking for a hole in the wall seafood restaurant – you need to come here. My Dad has ties to the owners and I love their fried grouper sandwich.

The best chicken and yellow rice and cuban bread – EVER.  My first trip I remember to this Florida (chain) but staple, was in high school with my Spanish class after going to the Salvadore Dali museum.  A must EAT!

And one of my favorite places in the city that I being an adult in – and one that I love and could retire in forever because I love it so – Barnacle Bills.  Only thing you ever need to get there is the Datil Shrimp.  Enough said.

I attended this private school most of my schooling years (except for half a year).  I loved the principal then and my teachers.  Some of the ministries I got to be a part of and friendships made still impact my life today.

The college I went to was in the heart of St. Augustine.  College for me turned out to be different than I though mostly because we had no football team.

North Carolina: The Tarheel State

Durham landmark

Oh, this could be a while.  I love it here and consider it home more than any other place I’ve lived.  Its where I fell in love with the Word, ministry, college students, the ocean, my husband, and where I became a momma for the first time.

Guglhupfs – best pancakes hands down.

Ketchie Creek Bakery – 5 flavor pound cake – need I say more?

I went to seminary here.  The first time I saw the campus I knew I was going to love it there.  Arrived on campus 4 months after my initial introduction.

I fell in love with missions, college students, and brooklyn tab while doing ministry at The Summit.

Had my first road trip with my husband and our first random stop was to one of the older cities.  Loved it.

Kentucky: The Bluegrass State

Louisville Zoo

I wasn’t here for a long time, and the seminary I worked for became home – and I loved the ability I had at the time to travel all the time and see people and things that I never would have otherwise.

Where I fell in love with Meditteranean food.

Where I grew to love this ministry and all that is stands for.  And Dr. Mohler spoke in our Sunday School this morning – and this ministry will have such a vital role in the church in the coming years (maybe even more so than before).  Owen and Courtney – you and your teams have my prayers as they always have!

And how I fell in love with gospel centered preaching was by listening mostly to this man at this church.

Arkansas:  The Natural State

Hot Chocolate

I was here the briefest and made some really sweet friends.  It is also where I fell in love with my second little boy!

ARWB – thank you Stephanie and Debbie and all of you other bloggers.  Yall were a great community!  Hopefully we will have that in GA soon!

Georgia: The Peach State

Georgia Aquarium

I’m growing to love this state more and more.  I’ve always had ties to this state and now my husband and boys are here.  Lovely combination

This is the church we get to be a part of.  Thankful for faithful preaching each week.

This is the bestest place in the state for me.  I’ve been going here since I was a kid and get to go with my family in 2 weeks.

And then the islands and Savannah – get me to the ocean!

There you have it.  If you have lived in one of these states – what are your favorite things to do, see, eat?  Help me out!