Teaching Children Theology: Jesus Loves Me

Teaching Children Theology: Jesus Loves Me

Jesus Loves Me

Music.  You know that song that gets stuck in your head and you sing it for the next 4 days…as you bide your time waiting for another song to take its place?!

Its a small world…

This is the song that never ends…

Any Christmas carol…

One of the very first songs that most church kids learn is Jesus Loves Me.  Simple.  Catchy.  Memorizable.

As I’ve been singing this with my children as we sit at the table or drive around town (Atlanta traffic usually offers much time for sitting in the car…still…on the interstate or at traffic lights)…I always get stuck on one line.

“For the Bible tell me so…”

Such a powerful truth of this song that is oft overlooked – and one that we as Christian parents need to teach our children from the beginning.

The Authority and Truthfulness of the Word of God.

If you don’t believe the Word is accurate and truthful and without error in what it says – then why believe it?  That is precisely why I hate political ads in our country.  You can never believe what is being said.  There is no use even trying to figure it out.  The good thing with the Bible is you don’t have to figure it out.

God said that the Word is true, living, active, useful for instruction.

The best thing the Bible teaches us is the Gospel.  No other way will we know that we need a Savior but by the Word of God.  And if we don’t believe what it says than how are we to believe what it says about us, or about Jesus, or about his love for us, His Children?

So, while you have the chance (Deuteronomy 6), please teach your children that God gave us His Word and it can be wholly believed and rested upon as they grow up, walk with Christ, and serve him in anyway He has for them.


This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

This Week in the Charming South Kitchen

Charming South Kitchen

Do your weeks ever change on the fly and fly by all that once?  Well, ours definitely changes from time to time, depending mainly on my taste buds and my time in the kitchen.  So, I’m going to start just posting menus for the week but not really putting days with them unless they go with a specific moment in our week.

This week I have several friends coming to visit.  And I’ve totally changed our eating.  And we get a raincheck to celebrate the mister.  All good things.

Garden Fresh Baked Frittata featured on my favorite AR eggs company’s site.

Greek Chicken Burgers with Tzatziki sauce and grilled zuks

Chicken Casserole with frozen vegetables

Crock Pot Maple Pork Chops (with greens)

Green Smoothie

Salad featuring Red Grapefruit and Avocado – perfect taste of summer

And there you have it. As you can see – pretty grain free.  I think its hard to go grain free for breakfast (eggs get boring) and lunch (because I love sandwiches and pizza)!  But, its working so far and I feel better!




Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Sunday desserts

I grew up listening to country music…they always talked about Sundays in the South.  I love Atlanta on a Sunday.  No one busy going anywhere.  Families out enjoying the green space.  Church.  We love our new church.

Tonight, as we do on every Sunday that we celebrate Lord’s Supper, we have a fellowship time.  It was desserts!  My husband did great and went through the line for me and the boys and just brought me fruit which I asked him to do.  Though I did steal a bite of Sebastian’s Banana Pudding and a bite of Elijah’s rice krispie treat.  The watermelon and canteloupe were so good though.  Perfect summer fruits!

Enjoy your Sunday.  Relax.  Love on others.  Rest up for the long week ahead!  Weekend’s are just too short!

Creatives: Southern Celebration with All She Wrote Notes

Creatives: Southern Celebration with All She Wrote Notes

All She Wrote Notes

Do you ever find someone so delightful that they leave a lasting impression on your soul?  Do you ever taste food and enjoy company for what it truly is – an artform and a perk of living in the south?  Do you ever watch a storm roll in and hope that it doesn’t rain to ruin in your party and pray that it does just so you get a chance to feel the rain on your face and dance in some puddles?

All of this happened while I was in North Carolina this week and eating dinner with the lovely Maghon Walker of All She Wrote Notes: the totally southern calligraphy gal that loves gold, food, running, and all things celebration.

We ate dinner (my first time) at Top of the Hill which is a staple for any UNC-Chapel Hill grad.  Then we stopped by the decadent Sugarland Bakery down the street (which provided our wedding cake) and in between stopped and took some photos of the shimmery Maghon.

Maghon Walker

Why calligraphy?  Because she loves to celebrate.  Most of her calligraphy orders are done in order to help someone celebrate?  My new motto is intentionally creative – so this was perfect.  She is creative – and helps people celebrate.

Celebrations come in many forms: birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, promotions, or you could just celebrate the fact that it is Thursday – and you need something to celebrate.

Franklin Street

Maghon also directs new creatives (so, anyone, really) to not try to copy others and their work.  Be your own and you will be successful.  So many out there find a certain style of lettering and copy it and call it their own.  In the writing business that is called plagiarism and in same goes for the lettering front.  Be your own person – find your own style – be successful at being you!

Maghon Walker

If you are in the need of anything southern and prettily lettered – contact Maghon and she will be happy to help you.

If you are ever in Chapel Hill – go to Sugarland and Top of the Hill.

If you are ever in a rain storm – dance in the puddles!

All She Wrote Notes Takes Sugarland

Kenan Hill Art

I do totally think the phrase suits Maghon to a T.  Thanks Averi for showing me your Kenan Hill Print.

Short How-To Study the Bible

Short How-To Study the Bible

How to Study the Bible

Most of us, if we are Christians, know that we are to read the Bible – the Word of God.  But, so many of us feel intimidated to open the book up so often times it sits on a shelf – even decorated pretty with flowers or other books – and collects dust.  Or maybe we just let others study the Bible for us and we are tempted to stay only with a book study with questions already done for us.

There is so much you can get out of studies already written, but I challenge you to dig deeper and study the Bible for yourself.  The good thing of being a Christian (among others) is the the Spirit lives inside of us and gives us His guidance when coming to the Bible to read it and gain wisdom, joy, and abundant life.

This blog post isn’t exhaustive, but I hope it is a start to your journey in studying the Bible or yourself.  And believe me, when you do this – it will help with your parenting and your marriage relationship and your relationship with friends and neighbors.  The Word of God is impactful for every area of life.


1.  I would start with a Bible (I use the ESV Journaling Bible – there are wide margins for you to take notes and there aren’t any notes from other authors – only the Word of God).

2.  Other things that would prove helpful to you are pens, pencils, and a notebook.

3.  If you are curious to what “experts” say – go to them later.  At least first sit down with just a Bible and the Holy Spirit and bathe in the Word for yourself.  It is living and active and you can understand it!

4.  First things first, take time to read through the Word.  Just read it.  Most of the smaller books of the Bible can be read in one sitting.  Do that.  While you are studying a given book of the Bible, I would encourage you to read it often.  Get an app on your phone and read it while waiting in line or sitting in the carpool line for your children.  You would be amazed at how much you remember when you read it often.

5.  Then I would challenge you to write it out.  Thats what the journal is first for.  Write it – even though  you have read it writing it will bring new findings to your mind.  Make note of those!

6.  Then ask yourself these three questions: (and there are other methods, but these are mine) – which I think are maximized for what you need for growth in The Lord and in the Gospel.  What does God say about himself in these verses?  What therefore do you learn about yourself in these verses?  How do these verses point you to the Gospel.

7.  For further study: look at commentaries, read or listen to sermons on that particular book of the Bible, ask questions, look at the rest of Scripture to see what the Word has to say about that passage.  But, first – let the Word of God speak for itself!  The Holy Spirit will be your Guide

You may be in a book of the Bible for a long period of time – but in time you will learn much about God, yourself, and the Gospel.  Let it soak in.  He is worth your time!