Prayers for the Journey: Nehemiah

Prayers for the Journey: Nehemiah


How do your survive and thrive in marriage?  My mister and I are coming up on three years in October, and I’ve learned a lot about praying for him through these three years.  Prayer is such a vital connection in our relationship to the One who loves us like no other, who desires our hearts above all else, and who pursues us when we don’t feel loved.

Nehemiah is a book in the Old Testament that talks of a servant of the Lord who pursued fighting for his people and the land.  He worked against strong opposing odds and diligently worked on the task He knew was of the Lord.

How much more does something describe marriage?

Marriage is between two sinning servants of the Lord.  In marriage, both partners are sinners.  If you need more information, just watch how you interact with your spouse – there you go.  I’m a great sinner – see it everyday in how I communicate with and fail to love my Mister.

Marriage is a fight – it is a battle.  Yes, there are opposing people who want to see your marriage destroyed.  Look at media, news, the world, even some in the church (as we see the divorce rate just as high in the church as out of the church).  This world glamorizes the wedding – but not so much the marriage.

This task of marriage is from the Lord.  The Lord designed marriage ultimately for his glory and to show a lost world the glory of the Gospel.  The only way to survive and thrive in marriage is with the Lord on your side!

In the series of e-books I’m doing – devotional, prayer guides for wives to use to pray for their husbands – Nehemiah is here! You can get it free by clicking and downloading.  I’m thankful for Amy, Jeanie, and Laura who helped this one come together.  Eric – thank  you for reading it and being blessed by it.

Love your marriage.  Love God.  Pray for your spouse.  And if you aren’t married ladies – pray for your future spouse (if God so wills) now!


This Week in the Charming South Kitchen: May 26

What's Eatin?

Changing up things for the menu planning!  Just to keep you on your toes!

When we lived in Little Rock, I called my kitchen the Rainwood Kitchen because we lived on Rainwood Road and it sounded like a cool restaurant name.  But, I don’t like the sound of our street here in Marietta in line of a kitchen name.  But, I thought through this name for a little while and really like The Charming South Kitchen.  I am from the south, born and raised in central Florida, moved to North Florida, then made my way to North Carolina for over a decade, with just a few years in Louisville, then to Little Rock, now back to Georgia.  Although I love to travel and love seeing the world – I don’t know if I will ever live outside the south.  I love everything about the south: the beach, the weather, the people, the slow pace of life, the friendliness of strangers.

So, I wanted to bring that out in my food and what I cook for our family and those who eat at our table.  Therefore – the Charming South Kitchen.  I cook a lot of non-southern foods – but the south is now a melting pot – and so it my kitchen!

And this week, I’ll be writing a post about how I menu plan.  Stay tuned!

Monday: Strawberry Spinach Quinoa Salad with those fresh strawberries I picked this weekend at Southern Belle Farms.  Also to celebrate Memorial Day, I am making The Pioneer Woman’s Peanut Butter Pie and we are having watermelon.

Tuesday: This delish dip with some flat out bread I picked up on sale with some peanut chicken

Wednesday: Brinner night with potato pancakes, eggs, and sausage.

Thursday: Date night!!!!!

Friday: Slow Cooker beef for some sandwiches w pea salad (I’m still planning on sharing the recipe soon)

Saturday: Spring risotto from Big Sur Bakery cookbook

Sunday: leftovers



Read This: Jim Hamilton’s What is Biblical Theology?

If you check any seminary bookstore – you will find a plethora of theology books.  I suppose that is a good thing because we need to study theology and most of us, like me, love to have help in that department.

I remember being in seminary at Southeastern, I was asked to read Erickson’s for my theology class, and Thomas Oden.  But, when I got out of seminary and started teaching a college girl’s bible study, I wanted to read Grudem’s Bible Doctrines.

I like a theology book to be solid and based on the gospel – of course.  But, I also want it to readable for the every-day person – meaning a person who doesn’t have seminary background necessarily and they can still understand it.  And I also want to know something of the author and know that he is applying this study of theology to his own life.  I remember working at SBTS where Dr. Hamilton is a professor, seeing him walk down the hall, interact with students and colleagues, and witness a humility that can only come from studying the Scripture and knowing the God of the Bible.

Hamilton’s What is Biblical Theology isn’t going to be a starter theology book – I would highly recommend Grudem’s that I mentioned above.  However, it will take you to a deeper love and trust and knowledge of your Bible if you dare go there.  Especially as a writer, Dr. Hamilton points out the Bibles literary pieces and bigger themes.  God was the writer that we should all strive to be!  You can trust this book.  You can learn from it.  And Psalm 119 tells us that knowing the Word of God is a blessed way to live a life that pleases God!


What’s Eatin’?

What's Eatin?

We definitely have a busy week with nights where one of us is out of the house.  And I’m learning I just feed the kids when E is at work – me, just snacking as I go – feeding two takes both hands.  And its cool outside while I’m planning this menu, so all I want is comfort food – so you may see that as a result of the weather!  Enjoy.  Please tell me what you are cooking this week too!

Monday: I have a women’s gathering to go down in Midtown so I want something easy I can throw in the crockpot.  Found this chicken and broccoli over rice (which my mister loves) so I’ll have that for me for dinner when he gets home and the boys go to bed.

Tuesday.  One day a week (at least) I love to go purposefully vegetarian.  This week is will be these corn and red pepper enchiladas.

Wednesday: Taco chopped salads (loving this trend of chopped salads and it is colorful and healthy too.

Thursday: Brinner night. Thinking of keeping it simple with eggs, breakfast muffins, and fruit

Friday: Slow-cooker Chicken Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches with a side of apple slaw and some of these mascarpone brownies.  Hey, why not, its Friday.

Saturday: These french bread pizzas will be inexpensive and easy

Sunday: leftovers probably



Why So Slow?

Why So Slow?


You may be wondering why my blogging has dropped off to almost nothing the past 2 months.  Well, let me give a life update:

1.  First, the biggest, we moved.  We now reside in Marietta, GA about 20 minutes from downtown Atlanta.  I’m loving learning this new area, but don’t love the traffic.

2.  The mister works a lot and fights traffic, so we love it when he is home, and try to find stuff to explore while he is at work.

3.  And my blog is getting a new emphasis and re-design by Green Hill Lane Designs.  I’m very excited to show yall what we’ve been working on and get your thoughts and basically take this blog in a somewhat new direction.  I’ve been blogging now since 2005 and sometimes you just need new vision, new something to keep you going.

4.  Here’s what I’ve been reading:

Dream Devotional by my friend Renee Fisher

Haunted by my former roommate Charity Tinnin

Bread & Wine b S. Niequist  (interesting thought: I just read an amazon review of this book and one noter said she couldn’t relate to the author because she seemed to be living the “charmed life”.  Its a memoir.  She can only write about what she knows and is living.  We can all live how we want to live no matter where we live, what we do, if we have children, money, food, etc.  But, the feelings of life or the feelings of a person are what draw us together – humanity – need.  Everyone has those no matter what you do during your summer!

Glimpses of Grace by Gloria Furman.

5.  I have a long list of books to read too:

Modern Calligraphy (coming in the mail today)



Beekeepers Bible

All Joy and No Fun

What are you reading right now and what do you want to read this summer?

6.  I’ll be heading up the Georgia Women Bloggers soon!  I am excited about showcasing this new state that I live in and also building relationships with the women who live in, love on, and blog about this state of Georgia.  The Arkansas Women Bloggers were a highlight of my time in Little Rock, so I jumped at this chance to make it happen.

7.  Our boys are growing.  E is 20 months and S is 7 months.  So, there are always new stages to enter and exit.