Creatives: Kelli @ Sweet Love Bakes

Creatives: Kelli @ Sweet Love Bakes

Sweet Love Bakery

Bakeries.  Just the sight of them makes me want to stop, talk to the folks who run them, and eat their fabulous goodies that adorn their windows.  This one is no different.  How I came across Sweet Love Bakes was cool.  I asked some friends if there was a good place in Little Rock (local, not grocery store or pre-packaged) to get macarons because I wanted them for our Valentine’s dessert.  All friends pointed to the same bakery – Sweet Love Bakery which is only miles from our home.  I heart sprinkles


So, the husband and I went in there, sampled their peanut butter cookie (of course) and took home some French macarons for the dessert the next night.  Pink Champagne and Lavender Honey.  Oh. My. Gracious.  So light, deliciously flavored, and hit the spot.  I emailed Kelli right away to see if I could come to take some photos of her bakery and interview her.  She was delighted and we made a plan for a couple of weeks ago.

Kelli was hard at work preparing for a weekend full of delicious treats including an anniversary, a birthday, and goodies for the bakery shop.  Thank you for taking the time to talk with me and for the French macarons and cupcake.  They were amazing and the husband loved the cupcake filled with lemon curd!  Enjoy getting to know her and if you need any bakery needs here in Little Rock or Central Arkansas, please stop by.sprinkles

pucker up frame cupcake

How did you get started in baking?

Kelli has been baking for nearly 10 years and got started doing family baking.  She had the opportunity to make a cake for her grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary.  That’s not intimidating.  Her grandparents were thrilled to say that their granddaughter had made their cake.  With many other family opportunities, reading, and practice – she was hooked.  She loves to create art and knows that it is only temporary – but a temporary meant to be enjoyed – not immortalized!

What inspires your creativity?

She loves following other bakeries/chefs.  That will get her creative juices going.  Also, different mediums.  (That was really interesting to me.  So other mediums can inspire your love and creativity in the kitchen too).

What would you say to encourage others in their pursuit?

Wedding Cakes Little Rock

Practice Makes Perfect

Temporary Edible Beauty

You really have to pay your dues.  Its taken her ten years to get to where she is and she started Sweet Love Bakery two years ago.  She wouldn’t have been able to keep up with the demand and business if she had started the bakery 10 years ago (side note: she has her business degree, so that helps in running the bakery).  Quality can’t suffer as you grow.  Quality has to only improve!  When you are ready – it will happen!  Be prepared!

What is your favorite creation?

Her polo cake.  And that’s also her biggest lesson.  Watermark your photographs.  (I’ve started doing this because of our conversation.)

What is the hardest part of owning Sweet Love Bakery?

You can’t take things personally.  You try your best to get things just right for the customer’s specifications, then let it go.  You should always be learning and improving.

What do you think about French Macarons?

They are so time consuming and precise!  She has learned about flavorings and colors from making so many of them though!



Link Love Creative Weekend Edition

link love

My older little is sick (as well as us parents), so I’m home with him his morning while the hubs is at church with our younger.  So, I’ve journaled some, listened to praise baby, and wiped up snot.  All in a days work.  When I’m at home a lot my creative juices get going.  Actually, this happens a lot anyway.  On this rainy Sunday, I thought I’d give you some links to look at and get your creatives flowing as well!  Enjoy!

To get your creative writing and typography juices going – I think these pens would be beautiful and practical.  The interchangeable covers and the different tips would make typography and sending letters so much fun.  And they are cheaper than fountain pens!

On a rainy Sunday morning, don’t you think your breakfast table would like to have these scones adorning it?  Maybe with some pretty spring napkins, fresh squeeze juice, and some scrambled eggs?  Maybe my breakfast table will look like this soon!

My son found a caramel from Christmas in our tea drawer and it got me craving some vanilla sea salt caramel sauce.  So, maybe if I can find some vanilla beans I’ll be making and giving some sauce this week.

My husband will be the first to tell you that I love a fried egg on top of anything.  This would be so yummy!

Since it is St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow…I ought to make these for our dessert of the week.  What’s not to love?

I’m trying to cook from my pantry/freezer.  And I think I have everything to make this warm-to-the-soul vegan soup this week.

My Little Rock friend Heather inspires me to make simple, cheap, delicious, homey food.

What a handy list of articles that I’m going to have to write to get to be more handy and creative with typography 

I’m usually inspired by my friends over at Pretty Philosophie even if it is just to pull out blank cards and pens and jot some notes to people.  I’ve got 5 thank you cards left to write and I’ll be caught up for the first time since August!  I’ve never been so far behind on thank you notes!

Well, I hope some of these thinks inspired you to be creative.  I love being creative in whatever avenue that takes me.  Enjoy you Sunday!



Sweethearts: Hope & Ian

Sweethearts: Hope & Ian

Hope & Ian

Gone with the Wind.  Who knew it had a connection to Little Rock?  I hadn’t been up to North Little Rock to see the Old Mill (opening scene of the classic movie) until this past week.  It was a delight to share this beauty with a fun-loving couple who are in school in California.  It was fun to see them be goofy with each other, snuggle, and just relish in young love.

Enjoy the photos.  Hope & Ian – thank you for letting me capture your love and smiles.  Blessings to you!












Hope & Ian