Link Love

link love

There have been a lot of fun pictures and tasty recipes this week in the blogosphere.  So, grab the keyboard and hold on – here we go!

If you do Lent (a spiritual season coming up) or don’t do Lent – or just want a new journal to pray through – here is what you need to get.  I also would like just a smidge of talent like that.

Who doesn’t like DumDums?  I mean bite size lollipops that instantly transport you to being a kid again.  Here is a small craft you can do with them, here a big craft you can do.  Go ahead – make someone’s day!

Her site is fun and creative and always makes me want to cook or bake or be artsy!

This was a great post by my friend Sharon.  On dreaming and marriage and contentment and living the dream and doing big things for Christ.

You can bet this will be better than generic coc- and that I’ll be making it soon!

Coconut and cream in the same sentence – you are calling my fork! 🙂

These will keep you busy.  Enjoy and happy blog-hunting!


W&BT: Found in Him Chapter 5

W&BT: Found in Him Chapter 5

Humble Obedience

I love small, simple reminders and this week I have definitely found them in Chapter 5 of Found in Him.  Life is at times completely overwhelming.  I don’t mean the big picture life – I mean the every day, every moment, will my husband ever get home, when will nap time come, can I please go on a walk and not freeze life.  Do  you know the one I’m talking about?

Then I read this.  Calm enters.  Waters still.  Life becomes unhazy (though I might still need a nap).

The reminder that Christ died for me.  That’s all.

The Gospel is not about self.  Much of this world is – but the gospel isn’t.  If you start with self – you’ve started in the wrong place.  Start with God.  That’s the best place to start.  If you need a Savior (which all of us do) – you can’t start with yourself.  That road will lead you wrong every time you go down it.  “Take off all your self-protection, self-righteousness, hollow pride, excuse making, self-pity, and crass unbelief.  This gospel, the true gospel, is not about you. (pg 96)

Another book I’ve been reading is the Maximize Your Life 31-day Devotional (online) – by Brian Houston (Hillsong pastor).  I’m loving it so far.  There was a sweet little time that these two books married for me this week:

“Rise my friends.  Rise from your sleepy dreams of grandeur and your troubled nightmares of loss.  Rise from your unbelief and from your guilty knowledge of your continual failure.  Rise out of your doomed lineage and exiled wandering and stand with me.  I am the new man.  I have won.  I will stand.” (pg 100)

One way we can learn to be like Christ is walking in humble obedience.  Oh, this is very difficult.  I want to cry and complain, or sit on my bed all day, or not pick up the toys.  But, that is not like Christ.  And I need the reminder.

Living the Extraordinary Ordinary

Living the Extraordinary Ordinary


This is definitely coming out of a real place that I am right now and learning how to think through the life I’ve been given. It is also coming out of almost 3 weeks stuck in the house with two littles who love to be outside (the older one especially), but it’s been too cold to go outside and stay healthy (which is important)!
All three of my men are the joys of my life. I love them: cooking for them, reading them books, tickling them while changing their diapers (well, the youngest two). I love sitting on the couch at the end of a long day with my Mister. I love it when he walks in the door and gives me a kiss. I love listening to the littles sounds as they learn to communicate.
But, there are also little pleasures in my life as well – that don’t take away from my loves of my boys but helps me explore other avenues and gifts that God has given me. So, here are some things that I am learning.
1. Be content. The Mister and I were talking about the budget this morning. God has graciously provided everything we need for our health and enjoyment. Mister provides wonderfully for our family and we are being obedient with our finances. I must remember Philippians 4 and the verse that says do not grow weary in doing good.
2. Have fun in the every day. I love baking – so I need to bake more for my littles. I love Elijah’s face when he bites into a yummy cookie. Why not make some Walmart Crack Cookies and sit there with him on the floor with a sippy cup of nice warm milk right before his afternoon nap time or bedtime for that matter?
3. Don’t compare your life with others. I know moms of two or more who live in NYC or the PNW or the coastal cities (near a beach) who surf, sit down at sidewalk cafes, ride bikes through curvy mountain roads, play in creeks, etc. I can’t compare my life with theirs. I can’t compare my life with others who live here around me. I must live the life that God has given me.
4. Take delight in the ordinary. God is gracious to give us the every day. The every day that He has planned for us. We are to rejoice! He has given it to US!
5. Dream. I don’t think there is anything wrong with dreaming. Dreaming inspires me. Dreaming helps me to look forward to things. Not to take away from today, but to look forward to next year when our boys our older and we can do ore exciting things with them (like learn to ride a tricycle or buy a wagon they can both ride in)! Dream in color!
6. What works for me is to take great delight in my children, love on my husband, but also have other things that I love to do. Here are mine: writing (this blog and other articles and ebooks that are an encouragement to my soul and hopefully an encouragement to you who read them), take photography (so I have random photo sessions but I also take tons of photos of my boys, the food I cook on a daily basis, and our home. I love to send mail. Decorating little packages and thinking of others makes me happy. I can’t wait till the boys are old enough to write or color and we can add pictures to the care packages and they can write their own thank you notes. Cook. I love to cook and be creative with foods. I will be doing the Ladies Luncheon at our Missions Conference next month at church. It is a great way for me to use my creative food juices! I love to travel: so my husband sees to it that we get away occasionally so we can do that together. In April we will incorporate some of those together when we go to Louisville, hang out with friends, do some photo shoots, attend the CBMW National Conference (and photograph that), and play at new places with our littles. Finding ways to decorate our home is something I’m taking delight in and that is something new for me. It is fun. I love to read: so I read on my own time, and spend some time weekly to read to our boys and do a series of how to read to children with the gospel in mind.
So, find delight. Live your extraordinary life. Team with your husband to conquer the days that are never-ending and hard. Praise the Lord for the the joy of raising Littles. God delights in our delight.

What’s Eatin’? #5

What's Eatin?

Here we have a new month.  That means a new grocery budget.  But, I need to work hard this month still not to go over!  So, here is what I am cooking this week at Rainwood

Monday: Tonight we are having friends over – a triple date here at the house with kids.  Looking forward to it.  Stuffed Shells and Chocolate Dump Cake.  (Salad and bread are being supplied)  I’m making a double batch of the shells and will have leftovers I can freeze for us later.

Tuesday: I’ve got an AWB event to go to but I’m making Chicken Street Tacos in honor of Taco Tuesday.

Wednesday is soup day around here.  Since it is still going to be cold this week, I’m making Creamy Chicken and Kale Soup – a great way to get in those healthy greens full of vitamins.

Thursday: We are doing leftovers.

Friday: If all goes well we are spending Friday and Saturday with friends, but I have salted caramel sauce and smores pop tarts on the menu

What are you eating this week?

Sweetheart Sessions

Sweetheart Sessions


February is a month filled with LOVE.  Well, here is your chance to get a session with just you and your sweetheart – for the walls in your house, the pocket in your billfold, for your website, or for a special treat for the one you love.  I’ll be doing a photo session here in Little Rock on the afternoon of February 22nd and have room for one more couple.  You can be married, dating, engaged…in whatever stage your relationship is in.  Maybe you’ve been married for 50 years.  Maybe you’ve been dating for 2 months.

So, let me know you are the one couple who wants to do the shoot!


When: February 22nd.

Where: Little Rock, AR

Cost: 50$

What that includes: 45 minute photo shoot, CD of 15-20 edited photos

I look forward to working with you:  Contact me here at kimddavidson @ gmail dot com or via social media.  First one who responds gets this spot.  If you can’t do that date, but still want a sweetheart shoot, contact me and we’ll work around our schedules.

Love is a beautiful thing.