Hello December 28

Hello December 28

New Year Gift

It is still December.  What does this last weekend of 2013 hold for you?  Do you like to make lots of goals or do you just not make any because they are hard to keep?  I would encourage you to take a look back this weekend and look forward – see what life may hold for you in 2014?

Here is my weekend and week ahead:

Hanging out with friends.


Cooking new meals.

Finishing up the Nehemiah Prayers for the Journey by the new year.

Completing my recipe index here on the blog.

Packing for a trip to Florida next wknd for TWO weeks!  Bring on the sunshine state, friends, family, and the beach!

Watching a sleeping baby.

What are you doing on the last weekend of 2013?



From our neck of the woods in Little Rock to all of you – wherever you are.  Merry Christmas!

Campbell 2013

Hello December 20

Hello December 20

Christmas craziness


I guess there is always one week that will make the holiday season rushed.

My husband had two concerts this week, we had two parties for our church and office. We are trying to get out of town for a Christmas weekend getaway.  I had several appointments for the boys.

But, we spent it with each other, with friends, and the weather was beautiful!

Hello December 16 – Time Wasters and Savers

Hello December 16 – Time Wasters and Savers

time management
I often wonder how so many bloggers I read actually have time to cook all the pretty food, take photos of it, live life and go out on dates and do ministry, read tons of books, and write too. Oh and stay physically fit, get sleep, and be. Oh, and not neglect their family or children.

Here are some time consuming reduction habits I need to implement:
1. I deleted all games off the ipad and my iphone

2. I need to hang up my clothes when I finish wearing them.

3. I need to start using my crockpot more.

4. I need to simplify my belongings. I learned this from JessLC over with her purging 100 things tasks. Started doing that before we were married. Now that our church as a share and swap – I have a huge pile of many boxes already begun for the spring event.

5. I need to unload the dishwasher at night when possible so it is cleaned out to be loaded with dirty ones the next day.

6. I love and will keep doing the majority of my laundry in one day.

7. I need to spend some part of my day reading – either beginning or end.
8. Organization is a big thing. We are working on cleaning out our walk-out attic (years before we turn it into a functional bedroom) and I need to get things organized so I quit spending time looking for stuff.

I actually think most of my time wasting is pure laziness, and that is not the habits of a Prov 31 industrious woman.

Hello December 14: Christmas Poetry, ornaments, and the such

Hello December 14: Christmas Poetry, ornaments, and the such

Oops I missed posting yesterday. It was a busy day in December, so I didn’t sit down at my computer all day. I had a haircut, errands to run, a nutrition appt with the younger little, then hanging out with my family, then date night with some friends. But, that is how I got the idea for today’s post.
Enjoy the pictures. They were taken at the Old State House Arkansas Chamber Singers Christmas concert. We went with some friends of ours who live down the street and work with my husband. Dinner and a show. The concert was great – they sound beautiful. The OSH was beautifully and simply decorated for Christmas.
One of the pieces the Singers did was done (the music) by one of their own. But, the poetry came from this guy: David Keig. It is called A Christmas Tree. Here is one of the lines. I’ll be writing more on this line later, but this is the line that stuck with me the most from that song:
“with dark green needled memories”

blue ornament kimberlyeric oldstatehouse state house yellow ornament

What Christmas memories do you have around the tree?