Breakfast Tacos

Breakfast Tacos

breakfast taco salsa

We don’t own chickens, nor do I ever plan on it.  Might be nice to walk out and get fresh eggs every morning, but I’d rather rely on a company like Great Day Farms eggs – local, natural, gorgeous, and absolutely healthy and delicious!  I heard there company at the AR Women’s Bloggers event here a few months ago – and loved their story, their company, and now go to Wal-Mart to buy my eggs!  If I’m going to feed my family, especially my young boys, I want them to be the best eggs they can be!

My plans starting out Tuesday was to make a different type of taco for taco Tuesday, but with small children, plans change almost immediately.  So, I had delicious eggs in my fridge and opted for a breakfast taco.

What you need:

great day farm eggs

Great Day Farms eggs – I scramble mine mixed with half and half and pepper, with butter for the pan (gives it more flavor) – and salt the eggs when they are almost done cooking

seasoned cooked black beans (I use garlic, cumin, salt, pepper, and some Cuban seasonings)



Sharp cheddar cheese

Flour tortillas



Super yummy, inexpensive, and delicious and healthy!


Creatives: Savannah Photography Stefani Thompson

Creatives: Savannah Photography Stefani Thompson

stefani thompson


Beverage of Choice

Beautiful parks

Great shopping

Historic Horse and Carriage


Savannah GA

Savannah GA

Beautiful parks

Savannah, GA

It is no secret that I love the Southeast, the coast, the beach, history, nature, style, great food…so why wouldn’t I love Savannah, GA?  Savannah is a town that has everything you need (or can find it within a short distance).  My friend, Stefani, is a fabulous young photographer.  I got to know Stefani back when I lived in Louisville through my then future boss in Raleigh.  Crazy connections.  I’ve seen Stefani grow in her photography skills and she is now featured in The Sunshine Mag – a new online magazine.  I thought I would feature her on here because I love her creativity, her heart for learning her craft, and would use her anytime to photograph anything!

How did you find your love for photography?
My first camera was a toy camera that used real film, 110 film to be exact. It wasn’t until I was about 14 years old that I picked up my mom’s nice camera and started teaching myself how to use it. It was also about this time that I started to write poetry and journal incessantly. So, ultimately, my love for photography originated from my love for journaling. Photography is really my public journal in picture form. I want the viewer to see what I see when they look at my pictures.

Why Savannah?  savannah steeple

Savannah is such a unique city–a beautiful, historic city off of the Atlantic coast. One of my favorite things about Savannah is the diversity in culture. Between Savannah folk, SCAD students, and the constant flow of tourists there is always a wide range of culture. Sometimes it is seems surreal that I live in such a beautiful place. I love the quaint coffee shops, the historic architecture, the coastal climate, the broad art community, and the people. Savannah is a great place to be an aspiring photographer and I am very thankful to call it home!

How do you incorporate your love for God in your photography?

Ultimately, I want peoples focus to be on God. Even when I capture beauty in creation or something by created man’s hands, I want people to see The Creator and not just the creation. My desire is that my love for God will flow out through my photography.

What are your future dreams?  

I would say I have a lot of ideas, but I wouldn’t necessarily call them dreams. Though any future desires I have may be biblical I know that God is the absolute planner of my steps (James 4:13-15). That being said, I would like to finish my bachelor’s degree, while I continue to seek ways to use my photography in missions, ministry or in any other ways that furthers the gospel. Even though my photography feels like the here and now to me, I am pressing forward always trying to improve on the talents God has given me for His glory. I am not necessarily looking at photography as a career, but a way to serve the Lord.

What is one piece of advice for others who want to be creative with their camera?

I think it is essential to know and learn how to use your camera. Seek out quality classes in your community, get to know photographers, and most importantly, practice. If possible, switch to the manual setting and take time to learn it, the more practice the easier it will be to get the picture you want.

Believing God for Future Faith Because of Former Faith

Believing God for Future Faith Because of Former Faith

Do you believe God? Not – do you believe in God, but do you believe God?
So many people (but not enough) believe in God, especially here in the Bible Belt. But, how many of us live our lives every day as if we really do believe God.
We read of this belief in the Christmas narration in Luke’s gospel.
Zechariah, the husband of Elizabeth who was barren but now was going to the mom of John the Baptist, declared the God’s redemption plan had happened. That’s right…past tense…and he hadn’t even met Jesus yet. This was 33 plus years before the cross. How was this man so confident in the redemption work of God?
Because God had ALREADY DONE great things for him. God had given him a son. Not just any son either. Sons were big deals in the time of the Bible.
So, what do we as post-cross Christians need for us to believe God? I’m not talking about saving faith – which actually only comes as a gift from God (Eph 2), but living, active, everyday faith.
1. We need to know the Bible. For us to know the God of the Bible, and to take Him at His Word, we need to know His Word. How can you claim what God has said He will do for you if you don’t know what He said? He has already told us what He will do for us.
2. We need to reject doubt. Doubt is sin. We doubt because we don’t trust. We don’t trust because we allow the cares of this world to crowd out the truths that God has already given us.
Look at all that God has already done for you. Hasn’t He come through? Hasn’t He been good to you? Do you really think He is going to stop now? You can look at the ways God has worked in your life in the past and believe Him for what He will surely do in the future. Your future.
What do you want God to do for you, in you, through you? Has God already said He will do it? If so, then you can count on Him to do exactly what He has said.
Take Him at His Word.  Hebrews 11.6 lived out!

Carrot Raisin Pom Salad

Carrot Raisin Pom Salad

carrot salad

Real Food.  We are trying to eat more of it.  And what I love about it is you can find so many beautiful colors in the nature that God created.  pomegranates are very beautiful and perfect for the Christmas season

Carrot Raisin Pom Salad

(4-6 servings)

2 1/4 fresh grated carrots (carrots are so much sweeter than the baby carrots)

1/2 cup pom arils

1 honeycrisp apple, diced

1/4 raisins

1/3 craisins

2 T raw honey

2 T raw milk yogurt

Mix all together – serve chilled.


Hello December 4

Hello December 4

peanutsPeanuts Christmas.

Linus.  He’s so cute.

Our son looks like Charlie Brown. with limited hair growth yet.

Reminder that Christmas is about 1 thing and one thing only!



God made flesh.