Book Review: Risky Gospel (Owen Strachan)

Book Review: Risky Gospel (Owen Strachan)

risky gospel

Do you live by faith? Really?  My last boss asked me a question soon after I started designing and writing a church curriculum: have you ever done anything that could only be done by faith?  Honestly – no. Now, 3 years later, I would have to put parenting in that category. That’s why this book appealed to me.
Faith has got to be big and bold. Why? Because our faith is in a big and bold God.

Owen Strachan, Boyce College prof and the new director for CBMW, an organization dear to my heart, has written a book on how to live out the gospel in a risky fashion. A gutsy fashion. A bold statement.
I would liken this book to Don’t Waste Your Life or Fresh Faith. One that is true and solid and encourages you to step out of your comfort zone (wherever that zone may be) – and live big.
Not live big to make your name great, but live big for the sake of a bigger Someone.

I would recommend this book for its readability and its truth filled prodding to live life bigger.

“When redeemed sinners take on a great task that glorifies him – like entering into marriage and the formation of a life together – God is kind to lead.” (pg 107)
Whether you are like me – and you need a bigger, riskier faith in building your family of small boys. Or you are a young man or woman starting out and you need to own your job as a mission field for the gospel. Or whether you are a person who has lost what it means to live on mission for God. Or whether you need to step up and live in a community – authentically live in a local church and serve that church.
We all need to know a risky gospel. Not risky in the sense that we can lose it or that God can ever lose us – because He is faithful and true. But, risky in the sense that we can be bold and live bold for the God who gave everything for us!

PS.  I think this recent blog post by a former pastor and friend, J. D. Greear,  would make a great read too on this subject!

*I was given this book in return for a book review, but all thoughts are my own.

Pesto Tortellini Soup

Pesto Tortellini Soup

Pesto Tortellini Soup

Ask my husband and he will readily tell you that my favorite condiment might just be pesto.  I seldom make it, but I love it on sandwiches, in soups, as pasta sauces.  No doubt amazing goodness from the oil, basil, and pine nuts.  So simple yet completely flavorable!

I started with a recipe from Tracy over at Shutterbean (I love her photography and her recipes, so go check her out if you haven’t).  I knew I had some pesto in the fridge that I needed to use and I know my husband loves soups but needs protein to make it more filling.  That is how I made the soup my own.

Pesto Tortellini Soup

Olive Oil (just swirl in your pan)

1 onion, chopped

1 lb ground turkey (or Italian sausage which would make it better but is not as healthy)

1 1/4 tsp dried oregano

1/2 tsp red pepper flakes

s/p to taste

1 clove garlic, minced

1 box low-sodium chicken broth

1/4 cup pesto (I used Kroger Private Selection brand)

1 can chickpeas, drained (more protein)

1 Bertolli pkg cheese tortellini (or your favorite tortellini or mini ravioli)

1 bag fresh baby spinach


Cook onions, garlic, and turkey together until done.  Let drain.  Add the seasonings, broth, pesto, chickpeas and bring to a simmer.  Add back in the turkey and onions and garlic.  Add the tortellini and cook until done.  Then at the very end add your spinach.

Serve with croutons, toasted bread, or parmesan cheese (or all three).

Truly Families: The Cranford Family

Truly Families: The Cranford Family

I love getting to know families: how they interact, how they laugh, how they love!  This family is no different.  It was a cold day here in Little Rock the day that we had scheduled photos.  Their kiddos were troopers.  I loved how the parents stayed calm and peaceful in talking with their children even in fussy times.  It was a blessing to see.  And to photograph!


















Contact me at kimddavidson @ gmail dot com if you would like a photography session for any reason.

A Mother’s Modern Day Chariots

I know when I can’t receive encouragement from God’s Word, there is usually a hidden heart sin behind that. Maybe its an idol or sin that I don’t want to give up.
I was asked to receive some of that very encouragement today and couldn’t receive it. That’s where this post is coming from.
I’ve only been a mom for 14months now (out of the womb), which some of you are like “newbie” – but some of you are right where I am. No matter where we are in the mom (or life) ride, I think this post can be applicable.
In Psalm 20.7 it says that there are some who trust in chariots, but we trust in the name of The Lord our God. Chariots were used a lot in war times in the Old Testament times, but also I assume in every day life to signify power, or opportunity, or mobility. For example, the Egyptians trusted in their chariots to carry them into the Red Sea for complete domination of God’s people – but their chariots were swallowed up by God’s power.

So, we don’t have chariots as mother’s today, but what are some of our chariots?

1. Technology/Social Media. The easiest device for me to turn to is my iphone. Sometimes I use it for noble or good purposes, but other times I use it as my “Way out” or my escape. If I want some help, i turn to facebook. If I want to not feel like a mom (escape mode), then I turn to instagram or pinterest (and some of thos are mommy things which I can then plug in to my day at home).

2. Community. Godly friends are definitely one of his best gifts. I have a good community both here and in other places I’ve lived. I can schedule outings or plan dates with them so I won’t be alone with a crying 6wk old and an all-boy, totally cute, but into everything toddler. But, when my world falls apart when those things don’t happen as planned, I realize they too have become an idol.

3. My husband. Obviously, outside of salvation, I count my husband as my greatest gift. He is amazing and such a huge helper. But, immediately when something happens that it outside of my control or I need a shoulder to cry on, I call him. I disturb him so much at work. One of these days he may turn his cell phone off. Then what would I do?

4. Nap Times. I read an article on Girl Talk one time about a mother who had been chastised because she said she looked forward to nap time. I think it is ok to look forward to nap time (to read, clean, think, shower, cook, etc). But, when our worlds crash in when that nap time ends early or when it doesn’t happen at all – it has become an idol.

Obviously I think all of these are God’s good things to us. But, often times we look to the gift rather than the giver. CS Lewis said it well when he said (paraphrase) we would rather build mud castles in the sand.
What are some of your chariots? Maybe they are different then mine?

As believing moms (or any Christian) – what hope can we have of defeating our idols? Because Christ has already defeated all sin for us. 1 Cor 15 says that death has no sting or power anymore? Isn’t that a blessing? Isn’t there hope in that?

As a former pastor of mine says quite often: run (or come) to Christ. That is not only for the unbeliever – but I think just as important for the believer.

Arkansas Women Bloggers’ Family Life Day

Living in Little Rock has its privileges.  Not only are there some great parks, some good restaurants, and my family (of course) – but there is also a great family ministry called Family Life.  Family Life started a year before I was born and is a ministry arm of Campus Crusade for Christ.

Barbara Rainey, the wife of Dennis Rainey, who is President of Family Life, and Tracey Eyster, director of MomLife Today, hosted the AR Women Blogger’s for a tour, delicious lunch, and power networking today.  It was a perfect day for soup, paninis, and salad, as well as a warm apple crisp for dessert.

We also got to learn about Mrs. Rainey’s vision behind Ever Thine Home – her relatively new line of holiday décor that helps moms weave in the hope of the Gospel into some of the major holidays.

It was a great day meeting other women bloggers from around the state, learning how we as moms can influence our homes with the gospel, and talk blogging and life.