Fashionably Fit Fridays

Fashionably Fit Fridays

hey folks.

It’s Friday again!  I hope y’all have had a great week – living healthy!

Here are some aspects of my week:

1.  I love my new shampoo!  It is great and makes my hair look shiny and strong.  It is cheap for a big bottle and the best shampoo for my normal long hair!

2.  I haven’t gone on a walk all week.  We’ve had company, my baby has been fussy, I’ve been tired. Need to get better at not making excuses.  And I’ll be ready to exercise in other ways in about 3 weeks when I get clearance from the doctor.  How fun.  I especially can’t wait to get some Yoga Downloads in and some kettlebell workouts for weight training and in December starting Jillian’s 30 Day Shred again!

3. I’ve gotten a bit of my appetite back and have enjoyed cooking again, though I am so thankful for people bringing us food since Baby Bach was born.  This week we received a roasted chicken.  My favorite roasted chicken recipe is from Sara Foster.  You can do so many healthy meals with a simple roasted chicken recipe.  Definitely should be on your weekly menu!

4.  Some folks ask about my favorite fashion or style websites.  One of my new fave sites is by Molly Buckley – a new mom herself.  I love her attitude toward clothes and fashion and also how she makes outfits her own.

Me and the mister

5.  Since I’ve not exercised as much this week and my appetite has come back somewhat, my weight loss was a little less this week: about 2lbs.  Which is what it should be – that is a healthy weight loss.  And it is right on track with my goal for my 37th birthday!

6.  The above photo – I love scarves!  My husband picked this one out for last year’s Christmas cantata at our church.  Glad I get more than one wear out of it!

Yet Another Bible?

I used to work in a chain Christian bookstore. Bibles took over the place. There were so many. And so many have come out since the mid-90s. There is a Bible for teens, children, moms of _______, dads who golf, etc. If you are charismatic – you have a Bible just for you. If you follow certain preachers – they probably recommend a certain Bible. Why is there a need for another one?

I was intrigued by the Gospel Transformation Bible and was excited that we got it in the mail.

Here are three reasons I love the Gospel Transformation Bible and maybe some thoughts that will point you to it if you are in the market for a new study Bible:

1. The design. This may not be the most important factor in choosing a new study Bible, but I think the simple black and white hardcover design is fabulous. Simple and precise. Very easy to read and find what you need inside, too.

2. The preachers and scholars that Crossway chose to use is varied. There are men and women from different denominational backgrounds, some are preachers, others are teachers or professors at seminaries. It is encouraging to see the common ground that the Gospel brings together.

3. The main focus: the Gospel. The notes that you will read in this study Bible will all point to one thing – the Gospel – Jesus Christ. He is most important part of any theological discussion. He is what all the Scriptures point to.

Appreciate Bibles that focus on this one thing – Jesus!

This is from the Crossway website about the Bible: “Focusing on heart transformation rather than mere behavior modification, their points of application emphasize the Hows and Whys of practical application to daily living—in short, how the gospel transforms us from the inside out.”

Arkansas Frontier – Quitman

Arkansas Frontier – Quitman


Are you looking for a family outing this fall? In October (and Nov 1 this year due to the weather), Quitman (small town outside of Little Rock) is host to the Arkansas Frontier. This wonderful family adventure, perfect for families that have preschool or school age children, fills up a huge acreage with all sorts of fun activities for children of all ages.

Learning about Indian history


School groups welcome
We were highly taken by the hospitality of every employee present. From the ticket givers to the men and women that ran each “exhibit”, they were friendly, knowledgeable, funny, and very willing to help or answer any questions we might have had.

Helpful employees
Our son, who is almost 13 months old loved the animals (goats, rabbits, mini horses, pigs, chickens, etc) and also was really enthralled by the pumpkins and hay bales. He enjoyed hanging out with daddy and oma for the morning too (a special treat).
This October fun place is not only FUN but also educational, perfect for school trips or homeschool outings. They teach you about how school “worked” in the earlier days. There was a mining exhibit that kids actually got to “Swish” and pan for minerals, but they also learned about the minerals they found and about the history of mining. There were teepees and a history lesson of Indians. For really fun times, there was a hay ride, wagons that parents could pull little children in, and duck races.

School in 1913
Families often have trouble finding positive outings to do together nowadays. Quitman has the answer – the Arkansas Frontier is that answer. Especially if you like pumpkins and all things fall – then head on over there (FRIDAY!) Your family will enjoy the day – just as mine did today! I have 2 sleeping boys to prove the fun was more than they could handle.

Petting zoo was so neat









Me and mine having fun

*My family received free admission into Arkansas Frontier in exchange for this blog, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Fashionably Fit Fridays

Fashionably Fit Fridays

“But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.” – Romans 6:17-18

Another journey – here we go!
If you have read this blog for any period of time, or known me my whole life, this weight loss/fitness/healthy lifestyle has been something that has come and gone. Since I’ve gotten married, and had two children, I have gained 77 lbs as of today (with having lost 15 from delivering our second baby 5 days ago). I’ve got a long way to go.
There are many reasons why I want to lose weight, get healthy, etc:
1. For myself. I love fashion and wearing stylish cute things (for me) looks better when I’m thinner.
2. For my husband. He married me. He loves me. He wants me to be healthy.
3. For my sons. I want to be able to be active with them, be here for them for a long time, Lord willing.
4. For the love of God. I want to be a healthy example of a Christian who lives freely under the authority of God’s Word – because He loves me. I have a book in my head, outlined, and some chapters written.
Personally – I know I feel better, look better, am more confident when I am thinner. Ask my husband and my mother.
So, here we go. Here are two pictures.
One was taken at my heaviest which was on my second anniversary, Oct 8, 2013. I’ll spare you the weight for now. The next one was taken yesterday as we went to the pumpkin patch down the street, 4 days after the birth of our sweet second.
So, on these Friday posts – I’d like to show some updates, talk encouragement, post some healthy recipes, fashion, pictures, etc. I hope you follow along and are encouraged as well!

Update: Week 2 – now down a total of 34.8 lbs since having baby. I’ve lost all the weight for baby2.   All the fluid is gone.  I can wear my engagement ring (waiting on my wedding band to fit).  I’m down to mostly regular clothes except for a denim skirt and a pair of jeans.  I’ve set a reasonable but tough goal for my birthday – and the start of a Florida “vacation” in January.

post sebastian starting


#31days: Quotes 25 (a million little ways)

#31days: Quotes 25 (a million little ways)

Eno Hiking Durham

“All earthly things are the shadows of heavenly realities – the expression, in created, visible forms, of the invisible glory of God.” – Andrew Murray

I’m beginning the study of a million little ways by Emily Freeman. How to live all of life in a creative fashion after the order and ways of the Creator God.
This is going to be a fun ride! Come along over at (in)courage and the bloom study of this book. Just started this week!

(Photo taken Durham NC, October 2011)