#31Days: Quote Day 15 – Psalm 127

#31Days: Quote Day 15 – Psalm 127

Sebastian Robshaw - 10.13.13

Sebastian Robshaw – 10.13.13

We’ve had a busy 50+ hours in our home as we brought home our second son, Sebastian Robshaw, yesterday. What a whirlwind!
Our pastor came to visit us on Sunday afternoon. This verse is what this blog post is all about:
Psalm 127:3: Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.

Pumpkin French Toast

Pumpkin French Toast

When the husband is gone, its a good idea to tantalize him to come back home if you send him delicious pictures of pumpkin French toast. Really – I did send him a picture and he said I was mean. I’ll make these again for him.
But, these are perfect with a topping of real maple syrup and whipped cream.

Pumpkin French Toast

Pumpkin French Toast

Serves 2-3 (depending on how hungry you are)

6 slices of day old bread (I used Panera’s Honey Wheat)
3 eggs
1/4 cup whole milk
1 1/2 T sugar
1 T light brown sugar
1/2 tsp almond extract
cinnamon and allspice to taste
1/3 cup pumpkin puree
butter to cook with (gives it much more flavor than Pam or others sprays)
syrup, butter, whipped cream for topping

31Days (5): Study Christ

31Days (5): Study Christ


One of the pieces of advice I give new brides (or brides-to-be) is more than anything in marriage (from a human standpoint) – study your husband.  With all the marriage, sex, and relationship books out there, knowing what pleases your husband (and isn’t a sin) is a great thing that you can bring to the every day life!

Here are some things I know about my husband after 2 years of marriage:

1.  He doesn’t like clutter.

2.  He is a sharp dresser.

3.  He likes good shoes (think Johnston & Murphy).

4.  He is more of an introvert than I am.

5.  He loves Jesus and pursues the Word and the God who wrote it.

6.  He likes his sleep.

7.  He likes it when I put in my contacts instead of wearing my glasses.

Little things – right?  Right!  But, those 7 things may not apply to your husband.  That is why you have to know your husband. I was told so many different things about what men like when I was engaged.  I didn’t care and still don’t care what other men like.  There is only one man on this earth that I regard his opinion to the utmost: my husband.

Gloria Furman writes this in Glimpses of Grace:

“We ought to take pains to study Christ.  We study Christ because we’ve been saved for the purpose of being transformed into his image,

and in our beholding, the work of transformation occurs.”  (pg 68)

How do you study Christ?  The main way is to look at the Word of God – which all of it actually points to Christ.  We are reading The Jesus Storybook Bible to Little Buddy at night.  I love how she makes all the stories point to the Great Hero.  All of them, even OT ones.

How can you know what you are supposed to be looking like if you don’t know Christ?

How can we know Christ if we don’t study Christ?

31Days: (4): One way to enjoy marriage

31Days: (4): One way to enjoy marriage

Campbell Christmas 842

“Enjoy your husband!” – Cara Croft – The Pastor’s Family

In the next few days we will be celebrating our two year anniversary. So much has happened in two years, but that is not what this blog is for. One of the joys of my marriage to the Mister has been meeting and getting to know this couple: Brian and Cara Croft – who wrote the new book The Pastor’s Family.

I remember before getting married, the Crofts came to Durham for vacation and we sat together for a meal at the Mister’s home. I felt like I had known them for years and I’m glad they approved of me (or the Mister may have had second thoughts).

Anyway, this blog is not to talk about the Crofts either. I want to give you an assignment for the weekend:


Whatever that will look like for you. It will look differently for every person. Encourage him, spend time with him (inside and outside of the bedroom), put his needs before your own or the kids, make his favorite meal, laugh with him, watch one of his favorite shows, enjoy the fall weather outside with him taking a walk or a hike.

“For your love is better than wine, your anointing oils are fragrant.” – Songs 1:2-3

Be creative! Just love on the one you have married!


31Days (Day 3): Frumpy Motherhood

31Days (Day 3): Frumpy Motherhood

no frumpy allowed

“Frumpy is not a fashion statement…” – Jodi Bryson, MomLogic

Note: This blog does not apply in the same way to every woman. Maybe, if you are married, as what your husband likes and doesn’t like you to wear – and try to please him in that simple way. If you are running around with toddlers all day, you won’t wear dresses. I get that. Feminine is of course more than outward appearance, that is why I put the 1 Peter verse.
In more than one way has my husband had a positive impact on my life. As we come up on our two year anniversary (more on that next week), I’ve seen some changes in me because of him. One of them is: I don’t wear t-shirts anymore. Yes, ok – I’ve still got some and I’d like to pair that down’ to 8 – only to wear them to work out in when he isn’t around. He doesn’t usually say much about what I can and can’t wear. His only stipulations is that it is modest and not a t-shirt (you know the kind you get for a youth outing, camp staff, church bowling leagues, or running 5k races). He declares them to be mostly unfeminine (on me) and looking better on guys than not. The only reason I keep them around is for cleaning the house (hard scrubbing days) and working out – when he is not around. I can’t seem to pull myself or our budget to buy Lululemon workout wear (though I would love to have some).

As I near the end of my second pregnancy in as many years, I look so forward to getting out of maternity clothes and getting to wear the clothes that normally hang in my closet. Most of my maternity clothes have been given to me, which has been very gracious – but only a handful of them do I love and that included 2-3 things that I’ve actually bought. I don’t foresee some of my frumpy wear coming back into my wardrobe anytime soon (unless its the occasional hoodie just around the house).

I was talking with a friend yesterday and she asked me what some favorites are in my closet since I don’t tend to go trendy – I said classics. Like Ann Taylor A-line skirts that you can “Trend up” with a different shirt, shoes, and accessories (which I love). Or just a simple pair of jeans that you can also wear with new flats, booties, or a long cardigan and/or eternity scarf and it would be perfect for this fall. I look forward to when my feet get back to normal size so I can wear my black booties that I bought the year the Mister and I met. I look forward to being able to wear my fave jewelry set: my wedding rings.

I’m definitely not saying you have to break the bank for new clothes every season or dress to the hilt to take care of toddlers. But…

“Do not let your adorning be external – the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear – but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.” – 1 Peter 3:3-4

That doesn’t mean you have to forgo style and fashion all together. Not as a woman, a wife, or a mom.

Here are some blogs I read for style:
Lauren Elizabeth

With each of these, I take what I see, make it my own (and modest), and go from there. And we don’t have a lot of money to spend on clothes, so I love good sales. Believe me, most of your husbands would like to see their wives with their hair done, makeup on, and clothes other than moomoos and yoga pants (which are two staples for me around the house when pregnant). Bring on the non-maternity clothes!
